is the angle of the diffracted light, and is the wavelength Ditfraction Grating Optics Bench Collimating Lens Grating Mount The Grating disperses the beam of Light Sensor Amm light into a first order spectrum and 米 Focusing Lens higher order spectra.The higher Light Source Aperture Disk order spectra are broader and less Colimating Slit Degree Plate bright than the first order spectra, Pinion Rotary Motion Sensor and may overlap. High Sensitivity Light Sensor Figure 3:Spectrophotometer System (Top View) The Grating is blazed,so one side of the spectrum is much brighter than the other 55 θ is the angle of the diffracted light, and λ is the wavelength. The Grating disperses the beam of light into a first order spectrum and higher order spectra. The higher order spectra are broader and less bright than the first order spectra, and may overlap. The Grating is blazed, so one side of the spectrum is much brighter than the other