Part Four:Writing and Translation>>Translation Return ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● :6)Failure and success,ups and ● ● downs are characteristic of real ● life,which is not easy as one ● ● would assume. ● ● ● 成功失败,起起落落,这些都是现 实生活的特征,它并非如人们所猜 想的那么容易。 ● : FAILURE6) Failure and success, ups and downs are characteristic of real life, which is not easy as one would assume. Part Four: Writing and Translation >> Translation 成功失败,起起落落,这些都是现 实生活的特征,它并非如人们所猜 想的那么容易
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