2.Typical patterns for reasoning 10 minutes 原句:After all,most of the people who die in earthquakes are killed by Typical patterns for falling buildings.Therefore,building structures that can withstand the power reasoning of earthquakes is a major concern. Stepl:Demonstrate the 要知道,多数在地震中丧生的人都是被倒塌的建筑物砸死的。所以,建 original sentence from a 造具有抗震能力的楼房结构成为关注的重点。 classic text After all,,..(理由)Therefore,..is a major concern/emphasis.(观点) Step2:Translate the sentence 要知道/毕竟,…所以,…是关注的重点。 Step3:Extract the patterns 应且:a.要知道,我们仍然是一个发展中国家。所以,如何使我们的 Step4:Practice 国民经济保持可持续发展将是关注的重点。 After all,we are still a developing country.Therefore,how to keep our economic development sustainable will be a major concern. 应用:b.要知道,未来社会更看重具备综合素质的人才。所以,对大 学生的全面教育应是大学改革的重点所在。 After all,the future society will attach more weight to those with comprehensive qualities.Therefore,carrying out all-round education on students should be a major emphasis for the college reforms. 10 minutes Typical patterns for 3.Typical patterns for emphasis emphasis 原句:Perhaps most interesting,and most easily measured,is a chemical Stepl:Demonstrate the change in ground water before a quake. original sentence from a 也许最有趣、也最容易测量的,是地震前地下水发生的化学变化。 classic text. Perhaps most Particularly adj./PP,and most adj./PP,is... Step2:Translate the sentence 也许最/尤其…、也最…的,是… Step3:Extract the patterns 应用:a.也许最难能可贵、也最令人钦佩的,是他出污泥而不染的品 Step4:Practice 质。 Perhaps most remarkable,and most admirable,is his virtue of remaining honest in spite of general corruption. 应用:b.尤其令人神往,也最令人难忘的,是这里的美景给我们的心灵 所带来的震撼 Particularly fascinating,and most unforgettable,is the extent to which the beautiful scenery here has shocked our souls. 原句: Also important is an arrangement for family members to communicate if there is an earthquake.同样重要的是安排好家人地震时的 联络方式。 Also十ad.(for sb.)is..(if/when.)(对某人来讲)同样…的是2. Typical patterns for reasoning 原句: After all, most of the people who die in earthquakes are killed by falling buildings. Therefore, building structures that can withstand the power of earthquakes is a major concern. 要知道,多数在地震中丧生的人都是被倒塌的建筑物砸死的。所以,建 造具有抗震能力的楼房结构成为关注的重点。 After all, …(理由) Therefore, …is a major concern / emphasis. (观点) 要知道/毕竟,······ 所以,······是关注的重点。 应用: a. 要知道,我们仍然是一个发展中国家。所以,如何使我们的 国民经济保持可持续发展将是关注的重点。 After all, we are still a developing country. Therefore, how to keep our economic development sustainable will be a major concern. 应用: b. 要知道,未来社会更看重具备综合素质的人才。所以,对大 学生的全面教育应是大学改革的重点所在。 After all, the future society will attach more weight to those with comprehensive qualities. Therefore, carrying out all-round education on students should be a major emphasis for the college reforms. 3. Typical patterns for emphasis 原句:Perhaps most interesting, and most easily measured, is a chemical change in ground water before a quake. 也许最有趣、也最容易测量的,是地震前地下水发生的化学变化。 Perhaps most / Particularly + adj. / PP, and most + adj. / PP, is… 也许最/尤其······、 也最······的,是······ 应用:a. 也许最难能可贵、也最令人钦佩的,是他出污泥而不染的品 质。 Perhaps most remarkable, and most admirable, is his virtue of remaining honest in spite of general corruption. 应用:b. 尤其令人神往,也最令人难忘的,是这里的美景给我们的心灵 所带来的震撼 Particularly fascinating, and most unforgettable, is the extent to which the beautiful scenery here has shocked our souls. 原句: Also important is an arrangement for family members to communicate if there is an earthquake. 同样重要的是安排好家人地震时的 联络方式。 Also + adj. (for sb.) is …(if / when…) (对某人来讲)同样······的是······ 10 minutes Typical patterns for reasoning Step1:Demonstrate the original sentence from a classic text. Step2: Translate the sentence Step3:Extract the patterns Step4: Practice 10 minutes Typical patterns for emphasis Step1:Demonstrate the original sentence from a classic text. Step2: Translate the sentence Step3:Extract the patterns Step4: Practice
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