Preface to the first edition In the modern world, visual pathways have A book of this nature is inevitably deriva- utdistanced other avenues for informational tive, but many of the representations are new aput. This book takes advantage of the eco and, we hope, innovative. A number of people my of visual representation to indicate the si- have contributed directly and indirectly to the lultaneity and multiplicity of physiological completion of this volume, but none more phenomena. Although some subjects lend than Sarah Jones, who gave much more than hemselves more readily than others to this editorial assistance. Acknowledgement criticism and advice is due also to drs overage of the key elements of physiology has R Greger, A. Ratner, J. Weiss, and S. Wood, and Prof. H Seller. We are grateful to Joy wieser for Clearly, this book of little more than 300 her help in checking the proofs. Wolf-Ruidige ges, only half of which are textual, cannot be and Barbara Gay are especially recognized, not considered as a primary source for the serious only for their art work, but for their conceptu udent of physiology. Nevertheless, it does contributions as well. The publishers, ontain most of the basic principles and facts Thieme Verlag and Deutscher Taschenbuch taught in a medical school introductory Verlag, contributed valuable assistance based urse. Each unit of text and illustration can on extensive experience: an author could wish serve initially as an overview for introduction for no better relationship. Finally, special to the subject and subsequently as a concise recognition to Dr Walter Kumpmann for in- eview of the material. The contents are as cur- spiring the project and for his unquestioning nt as the publishing art permits and include confidence in the authors. both classical information for the beginning as recent details and trends Basel and Innsbruck, Summer 1979 or the advancedVI Preface to the First Edition In the modern world, visual pathways have outdistanced other avenues for informational input. This book takes advantage of the econo￾my of visual representation to indicate the si￾multaneity and multiplicity of physiological phenomena. Although some subjects lend themselves more readily than others to this treatment, inclusive rather than selective coverage of the key elements of physiology has been attempted. Clearly, this book of little more than 300 pages, only half of which are textual, cannot be considered as a primary source for the serious student of physiology. Nevertheless, it does contain most of the basic principles and facts taught in a medical school introductory course. Each unit of text and illustration can serve initially as an overview for introduction to the subject and subsequently as a concise review of the material. The contents are as cur￾rent as the publishing art permits and include both classical information for the beginning students as well as recent details and trends for the advanced student. A book of this nature is inevitably deriva￾tive, but many of the representations are new and, we hope, innovative. A number of people have contributed directly and indirectly to the completion of this volume, but none more than Sarah Jones, who gave much more than editorial assistance. Acknowledgement of helpful criticism and advice is due also to Drs. R. Greger, A. Ratner, J. Weiss, and S. Wood, and Prof. H. Seller. We are grateful to Joy Wieser for her help in checking the proofs. Wolf-Rüdiger and Barbara Gay are especially recognized, not only for their art work, but for their conceptual contributions as well. The publishers, Georg Thieme Verlag and Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, contributed valuable assistance based on extensive experience; an author could wish for no better relationship. Finally, special recognition to Dr. Walter Kumpmann for in￾spiring the project and for his unquestioning confidence in the authors. Basel and Innsbruck, Summer 1979 Agamemnon Despopoulos Stefan Silbernagl
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