Lesson 15-The President as Corporate Salesman I. Text Analysis Thus, long before Bill Clinton thought of doing it at least six other presidents employed illegal FBI in Para. 11 wiretaps to gather incriminating information on rival political figures Question: Is there any significance about the figure six? In fact, it is ironic that those who are supposed great as President and loyal as Chief Legislator actually turn out to be a law-breaker. Illegally using FBI wiretaps is not a rare case Sarcastically the presidents involved are up to seven W BTL E To be continued on the next page.W B T L E I. Text Analysis Question: Is there any significance about the figure “six”? In fact, it is ironic that those who are supposed great as President and loyal as Chief Legislator actually turn out to be a law-breaker. Illegally using FBI wiretaps is not a rare case. Sarcastically the presidents involved are up to seven.  To be continued on the next page. Thus, long before Bill Clinton thought of doing it, at least six other presidents employed illegal FBI wiretaps to gather incriminating information on rival political figures. Lesson 15 – The President as Corporate Salesman in Para. 11
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