数学中国 Ww. madio net 148 The UMAP Journal 29.2(2008) We therefore suggest reallocation of funding to place more emphasis on promoting health and preventing illness, Figure 2 indicates that these changes could quickly increase the quality of U. S healthcare to be more on a par with Sweden's system Additionally, a common criticism of U.S. healthcare is the large in and middle classes [Wolff 2004. When simple economic factors are com- bined with our model, Figure 3 shows that the lower and middle classes experience little to no sensitivity to changes in the system's accessibility or reatment components. At the same time, however, the upper class gains significantly more retention from increases in both of these meta-metrics. Hence, the model suggests that money spent on improving the accessibility component of the system has had a minimal impact on a majority of the population. Thus, additional reform of U.S. healthcare is needed to make the system more accessible to the lower and middle classes. Sweden has had great success with its highly-regulated universal healthcare system. Therefore, we also suggest that the U.S. grant more control of healthcare to the gov- ernment so it can enact and enforce stricter regulations on the preventive care provided by private practitioners. Conclusion We have researched the motivations and goals of healthcare. Based on quality, relevance and availability, we selected a set of health outcomes that we grouped into metrics, and furtherorganized into logical groups of meta metrics. Applying these meta-metrics to compare the healthcare systems of the U.S. Nigeria, and Sweden confirmed their validity when considered alongside previous work. We then used those meta-metrics to construct a stochastic model to gen eralize healthcare and defined the concept of retention to compare different health systems. Furthermore, we incorporated economic factors into our ing the influence of each metric on retention, we identified problems in the U.S. healthcare system. In light of these problems, the U.S. system should be restructured to improve promotion of health, and government control hould be increased in order to provide more-accessible healthcare for the lower and middle classes. Future work should seek additional health outcome statisTics to increase the accuracy of our metrics, especially for the treatment component of healthcare. Additionally, meta-metric values could be computed for ad ditional countries to further investigate their potential for describing the quality of healthcare.数学中国ww.madio.net
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