数学中国 Ww. madio. net Better Lioing through Math 147 Predictive power. Our model is capable of accurately predicting areas in which national healthcare is lacking relative to other countries, and it can be used to provide insight into the most effective way to change its Agreement with reality. As discussed later, the results from our model cor- respond to the current state of U.S. healthcare. Further testing could strengthen this clain. Economic associations. A large problem with US healthcare is thatit varies greatly among individuals, especially by wealth. By incorporating the relationship between availability and treatment into our model, we can more efficiently identify problem areas Limitations Our model also shows the following drawbacks: Possible failure. It is possible for the model to fail if a country dominates all metrics used in calculating the prevention meta-metric: the model would predict infinite retention. If this occurs, then additional metrics should be considered in the calculation of the prevention meta-metric Oversimplification. Our probabilistic model is rather simple, although it produces surprisingly relevant results. Unconfirmed. Meta-metrics have only been verified to agree with past rankings for a selection of three countries. The accuracy of the model depends directly on the effectiveness of the meta-metrics Limited. Our definition for healthcare includes mental health, although our data primarily correspond to physical problems. Demanding The model depends on meta-metrics, which in turn require large amounts of worldwide data. Major Suggestions for the U.S. Our model predicts that the quickest way to improve the world stand ing of the U.S. healthcare system is to enhance preventive measures.Lack of spending on the prevention component of the system partially explains the current dilemmas facing the U. S.-namely the lack of response from in creased spending on healthcare [O'Neill and ONeill 2007]and the growing obesity problem [Wang and Beydoun 2007]. Additionally, it is likely that these inadequate preventive measures are causing more and more Ameri- rans to fall into poor health unnecessarily, thereby placing more strain on he system数学中国ww.madio.net
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