This includes basic termraph colorings.ninologyand results,andconntivity,Eulerian and Hamiltonian graphs,matchings and factorizations, and graph'embeddings.. The remainder of the book (Chapters 6-14) deal exclusively withgraph colorings. Chapters 6 and 7 provide an introduction to vertex colorings andbounds for the chromatic number. The emphasis of Chapter 8 is vertex coloringsof graphs embedded on surfaces. Chapter 9 discusses a variety of restricted vertex colorings, including list colorings. Chapter 10 introduces edge colorings, whileChapter Il discusses monochromatic and rainbow edge colorings, including an in-troduction to Ramsey numbers. Chapter 1l also provides a discussion of the RoadColoring Problem. The main emphasis of Chapter 12 is complete vertex coloringsIn Chapter 13, several distinguishing vertex and edge colorings are described.InChapter 14many distance-related vertex colorings are introduced, some inspired bythe Channel Assignment Problem, as well as a discussion of domination in terms ofvertex coloringThere is an Appendix listing fourteen topics for those who may be interested ine independent studtwo sectionsprsiunor:horninencesathe end of the book.The first of these, titled General References, contains a list ofreferences. both for Chapter 0 and of a general nature for all succeeding chaptersThe second suc section (Bibliography) primarily contains a list of publications towhich specific referencemade in the text. Finally, there is an Index of Namelisting individuals referred to in this book, an Index of Mathematical Terms, and aList of Symbols.There arey people we wish to thank.First, our thanks to mathematicians Ken Appel, Tiziana Calamoneri,Nicolaas de Bruijn, Ermelinda DeLaVinaStephnocke, Staszek Radzizowkidwad Scmichel,obinTomas,OlivTogni, and Avraham Trahtman for kindly providing us with information and com-cating with us on some topics. Thank you as well to our friends Shashi Kapoorn11and Al Polimeni for their interest and encouragement in this project. We especiallywant to thank Bob Stern, Executive Editor of CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group,for his constant communication, encouragement, and interest and for suggestingthis writing project to us.Finally, we thank Marsha Pronin, Project Coordinator,Samantha White, Editorial Assistant, and Jim McGovern, Project Editor for theircooperationG.C.& P.Z.viigraph colorings. This includes basic terminology and results, trees and connec￾tivity, Eulerian and Hamiltonian graphs, matchings and factorizations, and graph embeddings. The remainder of the book (Chapters 6-14) deal exclusively with graph colorings. Chapters 6 and 7 provide an introduction to vertex colorings and bounds for the chromatic number. The emphasis of Chapter 8 is vertex colorings of graphs embedded on surfaces. Chapter 9 discusses a variety of restricted ver￾tex colorings, including list colorings. Chapter 10 introduces edge colorings, while Chapter 11 discusses monochromatic and rainbow edge colorings, including an in￾troduction to Ramsey numbers. Chapter 11 also provides a discussion of the Road Coloring Problem. The main emphasis of Chapter 12 is complete vertex colorings. In Chapter 13, several distinguishing vertex and edge colorings are described. In Chapter 14 many distance-related vertex colorings are introduced, some inspired by the Channel Assignment Problem, as well as a discussion of domination in terms of vertex colorings. There is an Appendix listing fourteen topics for those who may be interested in pursuing some independent study. There are two sections containing references at the end of the book. The first of these, titled General References, contains a list of references, both for Chapter 0 and of a general nature for all succeeding chapters. The second such section (Bibliography) primarily contains a list of publications to which specific reference is made in the text. Finally, there is an Index of Names, listing individuals referred to in this book, an Index of Mathematical Terms, and a List of Symbols. There are many people we wish to thank. First, our thanks to mathemati￾cians Ken Appel, Tiziana Calamoneri, Nicolaas de Bruijn, Ermelinda DeLaVi˜na, Stephen Locke, Staszek Radziszowski, Edward Schmeichel, Robin Thomas, Olivier Togni, and Avraham Trahtman for kindly providing us with information and com￾municating with us on some topics. Thank you as well to our friends Shashi Kapoor and Al Polimeni for their interest and encouragement in this project. We especially want to thank Bob Stern, Executive Editor of CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, for his constant communication, encouragement, and interest and for suggesting this writing project to us. Finally, we thank Marsha Pronin, Project Coordinator, Samantha White, Editorial Assistant, and Jim McGovern, Project Editor for their cooperation. G.C. & P.Z. viii
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