
《图论》课程教学资源(书籍文献)Chromatic Graph Theory(GARY CHARTRAND,Ping Zhang)

0. The Origin of Graph Colorings 1 1. Introduction to Graphs 27 2. Trees and Connectivity 53 3. Eulerian and Hamiltonian Graphs 71 4. Matchings and Factorization 91 5. Graph Embeddings 109 6. Introduction to Vertex Colorings 147 7. Bounds for the Chromatic Number 175 8. Coloring Graphs on Surfaces 205 9. Restricted Vertex Colorings 223 10. Edge Colorings of Graphs 249 11. Monochromatic and Rainbow Colorings 289 12. Complete Colorings 329 13. Distinguishing Colorings 359 14. Colorings, Distance, and Domination 397