微机原理及接口技术(全英文) 四川大学制造科学与工程学院本科课程 《微机原理及接口技术(全英文)》教学大纲 课程编号: 302308020 课程类型: 必修课 Course Code:302308020 Course Type Compulsory 课程名称: 微机原理及接口技术(全英文) 授课对象: 本科三年级学生 Course Name: Microcontroller:Principle and Interfacing Audience: The junior Technology 学时/学分: 322 授课语言: 英语 Credit 622 Language of English Hours/Credits Instruction 先修课程: 模拟电子技术基础(Ⅱ)、数字电子技术开课院系: 机械工程系 基础(Ⅱ) Course offered by: Department of erequisite: Analog Electronic Technology (I).Digita Mechanical Eng Electronic Technology (ID) 适用专业: 机械设计制造及其自动化专业 授课数师: 余德平、汤卿、王凯 ended for: Mechanical Design,Manufacturing and 陶治 Automation nstructor: Yu Deping.Tang Qing.Wang Kai,Tao Ye 大纲执笔人: 余德平 大纲审核人 专业负责人 Edited by: Yu Deping Inspected by: Course Leader 一、课程简介 The microproces has been used for some30 years now.growing from an awkward 4-bit child to robust 64-bit adult.The engineering community became aware of,and enamored with,the 8-bit were particularly useful for specific tasks involving data gathering.machine control.human interaction. and many other applications that grantedalimited to machines and appliance The main contents of this module include the basic principle of the 8051 microcontroller,the hardware resources,the instruction set,the assembly language programming and the application of the 8051 microcontroller etc.Students are required to understand the internal hardware structure of the microcontroller,master the relevant instruction set and the assembly language programming.and apply the learned hardware and software knowledge to real-world applications. 二、学习目标 微机原理及接口技术(全英文) 四川大学制造科学与工程学院本科课程 《微机原理及接口技术(全英文)》教学大纲 课程编号: Course Code: 302308020 302308020 课程类型: Course Type: 必修课 Compulsory 课程名称: Course Name: 微机原理及接口技术(全英文) Microcontroller: Principle and Interfacing Technology 授课对象: Audience: 本科三年级学生 The junior 学时/学分: Credit Hours/Credits 32/2 32/2 授课语言: Language of Instruction 英语 English 先修课程: Prerequisite: 模拟电子技术基础(Ⅱ)、数字电子技术 基础(Ⅱ) Analog Electronic Technology (II), Digital Electronic Technology (II) 开课院系: Course offered by: 机械工程系 Department of Mechanical Eng. 适用专业: Intended for: 机械设计制造及其自动化专业 Mechanical Design, Manufacturing and Automation 授课教师: Instructor: 余德平、汤卿、王凯、 陶冶 Yu Deping, Tang Qing, Wang Kai, Tao Ye 大纲执笔人: Edited by: 余德平 Yu Deping 大纲审核人: Inspected by: 专业负责人 Course Leader 一、课程简介 The microprocessor has been used for some 30 years now, growing from an awkward 4-bit child to a robust 64-bit adult. The engineering community became aware of, and enamored with, the 8-bit microprocessors of the middle to late 1970s. The bit size, cost and power of these 8-bit microcontrollers were particularly useful for specific tasks involving data gathering, machine control, human interaction, and many other applications that granted a limited intelligence to machines and appliance. The main contents of this module include the basic principle of the 8051 microcontroller, the hardware resources, the instruction set, the assembly language programming and the application of the 8051 microcontroller etc. Students are required to understand the internal hardware structure of the microcontroller, master the relevant instruction set and the assembly language programming, and apply the learned hardware and software knowledge to real-world applications. 二、学习目标 1
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