的护理措施不包括 A、 dropping a little natrium chloride slowly(缓慢滴入少量的生理 盐水) B、 dropping the diluted sputum med icine(滴入化痰药物) C、 percussing the chest backe叩拍胸背部) D、 increasing the negative press of suction machine(增加吸引器负 压) E、 to use an ultrasonic nebulizer inhalation(使用超声雾化吸入) 52、刘先生,30岁。因因高空作业不慎坠落,现处于昏迷状态 观察病情时不包括 A、 the variety of the pupils(瞳孔的变化) B、 the variety the vital signs(生命体征的变化) C、 psychological variety(心理的变化) D、 the variety of urine volume(尿量的变化 E、 the variety of consciousnes(意识的变化) 53、蒋先生,58岁。因心绞痛发作需要吸氧治疗。在吸氧护理操 作中,不正确的方法是 A tell the patient and family members forbid smoking when be provided oxygen(告诉病人及家属吸氧时禁止吸烟) B、 sweep the nostril with the wet cotton swab(用湿棉签清洁鼻孔) C, first to insert the nasal catheter and to regulate the oxygen flow rate againt(插入鼻导管后调节氧流量) D、 record the time of using oxygen(记录用氧的时间) E, tell the patient and family members and can,,t regulate the oxygen flow rate random (告知病人及家属不能随意调节氧流量) 54、张先生,55岁。急性心肌梗死,为改善心肌缺氧情况,遵医 嘱给予鼻导管吸氧治疗。 (1)给氧时,鼻导管插入深度为 A、 the length of nose tip to earlobe(鼻尖至耳垂的长度) B、 the length of hair line to xiphoid process发际至剑突长度) C、 the length of 1,2 nose tip to earlobe(鼻尖至耳垂的长度之1/2) D、 the length of2/3 hair line to xiphoid process发际至剑突长度之的护理措施不包括 A、dropping a little natrium chloride slowly(缓慢滴入少量的生理 盐水 ) B、dropping the diluted sputum medicine(滴入化痰药物) C、percussing the chest back(叩拍胸背部) D、increasing the negative press of suction machine(增加吸引器负 压) E、to use an ultrasonic nebulizer inhalation (使用超声雾化吸入) 52、刘先生,30 岁。因因高空作业不慎坠落,现处于昏迷状态。 观察病情时不包括 A、the variety of the pupils(瞳孔的变化) B、the variety the vital signs(生命体征的变化) C、psychological variety(心理的变化) D、the variety of urine volume(尿量的变化) E、the variety of consciousness(意识的变化) 53、蒋先生,58 岁。因心绞痛发作需要吸氧治疗。在吸氧护理操 作中,不正确的方法是 A、tell the patient and family members forbid smoking when be provided oxygen(告诉病人及家属吸氧时禁止吸烟) B、sweep the nostril with the wet cotton swab(用湿棉签清洁鼻孔) C、first to insert the nasal catheter and to regulate the oxygen flow rate again(插入鼻导管后调节氧流量) D、record the time of using oxygen(记录用氧的时间) E、tell the patient and family members and can't regulate the oxygen flow rate random (告知病人及家属不能随意调节氧流量) 54、张先生,55 岁。急性心肌梗死,为改善心肌缺氧情况,遵医 嘱给予鼻导管吸氧治疗。 (1)给氧时,鼻导管插入深度为 A、the length of nose tip to earlobe(鼻尖至耳垂的长度) B、the length of hair line to xiphoid process(发际至剑突长度) C、the length of 1/2 nose tip to earlobe (鼻尖至耳垂的长度之 1/2) D、the length of 2/3 hair line to xiphoid process (发际至剑突长度之
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