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1. When obtaining vital signs on a sleeping three-month-old infant, which of the following assessments would a nurse obtain first? A. respiratory rate B. apical pulse C. axillary temperature D. blood pressure

单项选择题 When obtaining vital signs on a sleeping three-month-old infant, which of the following assessments would a nurse obtain first A. respiratory rate B. apical pulse D. blood pressure 2. A woman has been given instructions about monitoring her basal body temperature. Which of the following comments, if made by the woman, would indicate that she understood the instructions? A. I will take my temperature every morning before getting out of bed.” B.I will use a standard glass thermometer to take my temperature C."I will be able to predict my ovulation date after taking my temperature for 30 days in a row D. "I will take my temperature with the same thermometer at the same time every day. 3. Which of the following strategies would be most appropriate for a nurse to take when attempting to obtain a blood pressure measurement on an active three-year-old child? A. Explain the reason for the procedure using simple d d physiolo B. Have the parent restrain the extremities while the child

一、单项选择题 1.When obtaining vital signs on a sleeping three-month-old infant, which of the following assessments would a nurse obtain first? A.respiratory rate B.apical pulse C.axillary temperature D.blood pressure 2.A woman has been given instructions about monitoring her basal body temperature. Which of the following comments, if made by the woman, would indicate that she understood the instructions? A.“I will take my temperature every morning before getting out of bed.” B.“I will use a standard glass thermometer to take my temperature.” C.“I will be able to predict my ovulation date after taking my temperature for 30 days in a row.” D.“I will take my temperature with the same thermometer at the same time every day.” 3.Which of the following strategies would be most appropriate for a nurse to take when attempting to obtain a blood pressure measurement on an active three-year-old child? A.Explain the reason for the procedure using simple diagrams of anatomy and physiology B.Have the parent restrain the extremities while the child

sits upright in a chair C. Allow the child to assist with the procedure by selecting he extremity to be used D. prepare the child several hours in advance by showing the apparatus that will be used 4. Which of the following find ings in a one-year-old child would indicate to a nurse that cardiopulmonary arrest is imminent? A. Respiratory rate of 18 breaths/min B. Systolic blood pressure of 72 mmHg C. Apical heart rate of 54 beats/min D. Rectal temperature of 975F(358C) 5.体温高低不一,日差大于1℃,但最低体温仍在正常水平 以上的热型为 A.稽留热 B.弛张热 C.间隙热 D.波浪热 E.不规则热 6.失血性休克病人的脉搏特征是 A.脉搏短绌 B.间隙脉 C.奇脉 D.洪脉 E.丝脉 7.混合性呼吸困难多见于

sits upright in a chair C.Allow the child to assist with the procedure by selecting the extremity to be used D.prepare the child several hours in advance by showing the apparatus that will be used 4.Which of the following findings in a one-year-old child would indicate to a nurse that cardiopulmonary arrest is imminent? A.Respiratory rate of 18 breaths/min B.Systolic blood pressure of 72 mmHg C.Apical heart rate of 54 beats/min D.Rectal temperature of 97.5℉(35.8℃) 5.体温高低不一,日差大于 1℃,但最低体温仍在正常水平 以上的热型为 A.稽留热 B.弛张热 C.间隙热 D.波浪热 E.不规则热 6.失血性休克病人的脉搏特征是 A.脉搏短绌 B.间隙脉 C.奇脉 D.洪脉 E.丝脉 7.混合性呼吸困难多见于

A.哮喘 肺部感染 C.喉头异物 D.喉头水肿 E.呼吸中枢衰竭 8.取坐位测量血压应使肱动脉位置平 A.锁骨 胸骨柄 C.第二肋间隙 D.第四肋软骨 E.剑突下 9、近代护理学的形成开始于 A、 the end of the 16 oth century(16世纪末) B、 the middle of the 17 th century(17世纪中叶) C、 the beginning of the 18 th century(18世纪初) D、 the middle of the l9 th century(19世纪中叶) E、 the beginning of the20 th century(20世纪初) 10、在克里米亚战争中,由于南丁格尔的努力,使士兵的死亡率 从50%下降到 B、2.2% C、4% 4 E、5% 11、将每年的5月12日定为国际护士节,因为这一节日是 A the dateof Nightingale establish in the first nursin school(南丁格尔创办第一所护士学校的日期) B、 the date of setting up Nightingale Award(南丁格尔奖宣 布设立的日期 C, the date of Nightingale accepted the hortation from England

A.哮喘 B.肺部感染 C.喉头异物 D.喉头水肿 E.呼吸中枢衰竭 8.取坐位测量血压应使肱动脉位置平 A.锁骨 B.胸骨柄 C.第二肋间隙 D.第四肋软骨 E.剑突下 9、近代护理学的形成开始于 A、the end of the 16th century(16 世纪末) B、the middle of the 17th century(17 世纪中叶) C、the beginning of the 18th century(18 世纪初) D、the middle of the 19th century(19 世纪中叶) E、the beginning of the 20th century(20 世纪初) 10、在克里米亚战争中,由于南丁格尔的努力,使士兵的死亡率 从 50%下降到 A、2% B、2.2% C、4% D、4.4% E、5% 11、将每年的 5 月 12 日定为国际护士节,因为这一节日是 A、the dateof Nightingale establish in the first nursing school(南丁格尔创办第一所护士学校的日期) B、the date of setting up Nightingale Award (南丁格尔奖宣 布设立的日期) C、the date of Nightingale accepted the hortation from England

government(南丁格尔接受英国政府奖励的日期) D、 the birthday of Nightingale(南丁格尔出生的日期) E、 the date of nightingale died(南丁格尔逝世的日期)s 12、我国第一所西医医院创建于哪一年 A、1835 B、1884 C、1888 D、1905 E、1921 13、世界卫生组织的战略目标是2000年 A、 everyone possesses the health(人人享有健康) B、 exterminate the violent infectious disease(消灭烈性传染病) C、 everyone possesses the office expenses medical treatment(人人 享有公费医疗) D、 everyone possesses the health care(人人享有卫生保健) E、 everyone possesses the balanced nourishment(人人享有均衡的 营养) 14、中医理论中的“三分治、七分养”中的七分养,指的就是 A、 nurse(护士) B、 nursing(护理) C、 nursing education(护理教育) D、 nursing ideas(护理思想) 、 nursing philosophy(护 理理念) 15、1995年美国的莉迪亚·海尔首次提出 A、 case nursing(个案护理) B、 function nursing(功能 制护理) C、 nursing process(护理程序) D、 holistic nursing(整体护理) E、 clinical path(临 床路径) 16、我国护理事业的兴起是在 A、 the war of against Japan period(抗日战争时期) B、 the period of land revolution(土地革命时期)

government(南丁格尔接受英国政府奖励的日期) D、the birthday of Nightingale(南丁格尔出生的日期) E、the date of Nightingale died(南丁格尔逝世的日期)s 12、我国第一所西医医院创建于哪一年 A、1835 B、1884 C、1888 D、1905 E、1921 13、世界卫生组织的战略目标是 2000 年 A、everyone possesses the health(人人享有健康) B、exterminate the violent infectious disease(消灭烈性传染病) C、everyone possesses the office expenses medical treatment(人人 享有公费医疗) D、everyone possesses the health care(人人享有卫生保健) E、everyone possesses the balanced nourishment(人人享有均衡的 营养) 14、中医理论中的“三分治、七分养”中的七分养,指的就是 A、nurse(护士) B、nursing(护理) C、nursing education(护理教育) D、nursing ideas(护理思想) E、nursing philosophy(护 理理念) 15、1995 年美国的莉迪亚·海尔首次提出 A、case nursing(个案护理) B、function nursing(功能 制护理) C、nursing process(护理程序) D、holistic nursing(整体护理) E、clinical path(临 床路径) 16、我国护理事业的兴起是在 A、the war of against Japan period(抗日战争时期) B、the period of land revolution (土地革命时期)

C、 the liberation war period(解放战争时期) D、54 sports is in front and back(五四运动前后) E、 Opium War is in front and back(鸦片战争前后) 17、国际红十字会决定设立南丁格尔奖章是哪一年 A、1820 B、1860 C、1907 D、1909 E、1910 10、颁发南丁格尔奖章的间隔时间是几年 A、1 B、2 18、丁格尔的著作中,被认为是护士必读的经典著作是 A、 the british army's death rate《英军的死亡率》 B、 Nursing Notes《护理札记》 C、 Hospital Notes《医院札记》 D, affect the British army the health, efficiency and hospitals manage he problem summary《影响英军健康、效率与医院管理问题摘要》 E、 war and nursing《战争与护理》 19、被称为护理发展史上的“南丁格尔时代”是指 A、1840年-1850年B、1850年—1860年C、1860年 1890年 D、1890年-1907年E、1907年-1912年 20、护理学是医学领域里一门 A、 social course(自然学科) B、 social course(社 会学科) C、 humanities course(人文学科) D、 behavior course(行 为学科) E、 comprehensive applied course(综合应用学科) 21、自1964年以来,中国护理界的群众学术团体称为 A、 Chinese Nursing association(中华护士会) B、 Chinese nurses society(中华护士学会) C、 Chinese nurses' associationi(中华护理学会) D、 Chinese nurses association(中华护士学会) E、 China Nursing association(中国护理学会) 22、严重外伤病人的观察重点不包括

C、the liberation war period(解放战争时期) D、54 sports is in front and back(五四运动前后) E、Opium War is in front and back(鸦片战争前后) 17、国际红十字会决定设立南丁格尔奖章是哪一年 A、1820 B、1860 C、1907 D、1909 E、1910 10、颁发南丁格尔奖章的间隔时间是几年 A、1 B、2 C、3 D、4 E、5 18、丁格尔的著作中,被认为是护士必读的经典著作是 A、 the British army's death rate 《英军的死亡率》 B、Nursing Notes《护理札记》 C、Hospital Notes《医院札记》 D、affect the British army the health, efficiency and hospitals manage the problem summary《影响英军健康、效率与医院管理问题摘要》 E、war and nursing《战争与护理》 19、被称为护理发展史上的“南丁格尔时代”是指 A、1840 年—1850 年 B、1850 年—1860 年 C、1860 年— 1890 年 D、1890 年—1907 年 E、1907 年—1912 年 20、护理学是医学领域里一门 A、social course(自然学科) B、social course(社 会学科) C、humanities course(人文学科) D、behavior course(行 为学科) E、comprehensive applied course(综合应用学科) 21、自 1964 年以来,中国护理界的群众学术团体称为 A、Chinese Nursing Association(中华护士会) B、Chinese Nurses' society(中华护士学会) C、Chinese Nurses’ Association(中华护理学会) D、Chinese Nurses' Association(中华护士学会) E、China Nursing Association(中国护理学会) 22、严重外伤病人的观察重点不包括

A es意识) B、 pupils(瞳孔) C、 vital signs(生命体征) D、 growth and nourishment(发育和 营养) E、 high blood pressure crisis(高血压危象 22、危重病人由于护理不当可诱发的并发症不包括 A、 artery harden动脉硬化 B、 urethra infection尿道感 染 压疮 the疮 D、 the legs vein blood bolt下肢静脉血栓 E、 fall to accumulate the sex pneumonia坠积性肺炎 23、晚期癌症病人镇痛可用 A、 methyldopa(甲基多巴) B、 metaraminol(间羟胺) C、 pethidine(哌替啶) D、 atropine(阿托品) E、 promethazine异丙嗪 24、昏迷病人眼睑不能闭合应 A、 the eyelids with the wet cotton ball用湿棉球插拭眼睑 B、 an eye drops滴眼药水 C、 the massage eyelids按摩眼 D、 the cover Vaseline gauze盖凡士林纱布 E、 flush the eyeball with the physiology brine用生理盐水冲洗眼球 25、护理危重病人时不必要的措施是 A、 insure patient's safety(确保病人安全) B、 observe the cond ition variety closely(密切观察病情变化) C、 keep to breathe a lucid(s保持呼吸道通畅) D、 trengthen to lead to flow to take care of the nursing(加强引流管 护理) E、 deal with the principles according to the contact insolating(按接触 隔离原则处理) 26、氧气表上减压器的作用是 A、 measured in the flow rate of oxygen per minute(测知每分钟的氧 气流出量 B, to decrease the pressure from oxygen tank automatically, make the steady flow rate of discharge(将来自氧气筒内的压力自动减小,使 流量平稳输出) C、 is an output's path of oxygen from the tank(是氧气自筒内输出的

A、conscioueness(意识) B、pupils(瞳孔) C、vital signs(生命体征) D、growth and nourishment(发育和 营养) E、high blood pressure crisis(高血压危象) 22、危重病人由于护理不当可诱发的并发症不包括 A、artery harden 动脉硬化 B、urethra infection 尿道感 染 C、press sores 压疮, press the 疮 D、the legs vein blood bolt 下肢静脉血栓 E、fall to accumulate the sex pneumonia 坠积性肺炎 23、晚期癌症病人镇痛可用 A、methyldopa(甲基多巴) B、metaraminol(间羟胺) C、pethidine(哌替啶) D、atropine(阿托品) E、promethazine 异丙嗪 24、昏迷病人眼睑不能闭合应 A、the eyelids with the wet cotton ball 用湿棉球插拭眼睑 B、an eye drops 滴眼药水 C、the massage eyelids 按摩眼 睑 D、the cover Vaseline gauze 盖凡士林纱布 E、flush the eyeball with the physiology brine 用生理盐水冲洗眼球 25、护理危重病人时不必要的措施是 A、insure patient's safety(确保病人安全) B、observe the condition variety closely(密切观察病情变化) C、keep to breathe a lucid(s 保持呼吸道通畅) D、trengthen to lead to flow to take care of the nursing(加强引流管 护理) E、deal with the principles according to the contact insolatin(按接触 隔离原则处理) 26、氧气表上减压器的作用是 A、measured in the flow rate of oxygen per minute(测知每分钟的氧 气流出量) B、to decrease the pressure from oxygen tank automatically, make the steady flow rate of discharge(将来自氧气筒内的压力自动减小,使 流量平稳输出) C、is an output's path of oxygen from the tank(是氧气自筒内输出的

途径) D、 can measure to know the pressure of the oxygen tank(能测知氧气 筒内的压力 E, when the oxygen flow rate is too big, and pressure is too high can decrease the pressure automatically, assurance it is safety(当氧流量 过大、压力过高时能自动减压,保证安全) 27、无治疗功效的吸入氧浓度是 A、23% B、30% C、35% D、40% E 45% 氧气筒内压力降到多少即不可使用 A、2kg/c B、3kg/cm C、5kg/cm2D、8kg/cm E、10kg/cm2 29、鼻导管给氧法,合适的润滑液是 A、 Vaseline(凡士林) B、 soap liquid(肥皂液) C、30% alchool(30%乙醇) D、 liquid form paraffin(液状 石蜡) E、 cold boiled wate(冷开水) 30、有关头罩式给氧,错误的描述是 A、 be applicable to baby' s infant to provide the oxygen(适用于婴幼 儿吸氧) B、 will produce oxygen poisoning over a long period of time(长期 给氧会产生氧中毒) C、 method is simple, hav ing no stimulative(方法简便,无刺激性) D、 can regulate the oxygen density according to the condition(能根 据病情需要调节氧气浓度) E、 be easy to observe the cond ition variety(易于观察病情变化) 31、使用氧气枕法的叙述,错误的一项是 A、 can used for transporting patient's on the way or families(可用于 转运病人途中或家庭中) B、 rest the patient's head on the oxygen bag(使用时让病人头部枕于 氧气枕上) C、 make use of the gravity principle to make the oxygen run off(利用

途径) D、can measure to know the pressure of the oxygen tank(能测知氧气 筒内的压力) E、when the oxygen flow rate is too big, and pressure is too high can decrease the pressure automatically, assurance it is safety(当氧流量 过大、压力过高时能自动减压,保证安全) 27、无治疗功效的吸入氧浓度是 A、23% B、30% C、35% D、40% E、 45% 28、氧气筒内压力降到多少即不可使用 A、2kg/cm2 B、3 kg/cm2 C、5 kg/cm2 D、8 kg/cm2 E、10 kg/cm2 29、鼻导管给氧法,合适的润滑液是 A、Vaseline(凡士林) B、soap liquid(肥皂液) C、30%alchool (30%乙醇) D、liquid form paraffin(液状 石蜡) E、cold boiled wate(冷开水) 30、有关头罩式给氧,错误的描述是 A、be applicable to baby's infant to provide the oxygen(适用于婴幼 儿吸氧) B、will produce oxygen poisoning over a long period of time(长期 给氧会产生氧中毒) C、method is simple, having no stimulative(方法简便,无刺激性) D、can regulate the oxygen density according to the condition(能根 据病情需要调节氧气浓度) E、be easy to observe the condition variety(易于观察病情变化) 31、使用氧气枕法的叙述,错误的一项是 A、can used for transporting patient's on the way or families(可用于 转运病人途中或家庭中) B、rest the patient's head on the oxygen bag(使用时让病人头部枕于 氧气枕上) C、make use of the gravity principle to make the oxygen run off(利用

重力原理使氧气流出) D, before using the new oxygen it is applied the water to wash again and again(新氧气枕使用前应用水反复灌洗) E、 the oxygen flow rate can't regulate(氧流量不可调节) 32、氧气筒内氧气不可用尽,其目的是 A、 easy to again puff(便于再次充气 B、 easy to check oxygen equipment and have or did not leak air((便于 检查氧气装置有无漏气) C、 easy to regulate the oxygen flow rate(便于调节氧流量) D、 make flow rate steady(使流量平稳) E、 prevent explosion from again puff(防止再充气时引起爆炸) 用氧的注意事项中,错误的一项是 A, attention the safety for uses oxygen, must do"four precautions (注意用氧安全,切实做好“四防”) B、 regulate the oxygen flow rate first and to use behind(先调节氧流 量后用) C. forbid to pack and unload the oxygen watch with the spanner of take the oil(禁止用带油的扳手装卸氧气表) D, stop providing, first to close the oxygen switch and pull the catheter again(停用时,先关闭氧气开关再拔出导管) E, should notice the effect of providing oxygen throughout the provid ing oxygen process氧过程中应注意氧疗效果) 34、吸氧中途改变氧流量时,应 A, separate the nasal catheter and glasses to deal with the oxygen flow rate(分开鼻导管与玻璃接头调节氧流量) B、 pull out the nasal catheter to regulate the flow rate(拔出鼻导管调 节流量) C、 regulate the flow rate switch directly(直接调节流量开关) D、 regulate the cylinder valve directly(直接调节总开关) E、 replace the nasal catheter(更换鼻导管) 35、给氧的适应症不包括 A、 acute left ventricular failure(急性左心衰竭) B、 shock(休克) C、 myocard acal infarction(心肌梗死) D、 carbon monoxide poisoning(一氧化碳中毒)

重力原理使氧气流出) D、before using the new oxygen it is applied the water to wash again and again(新氧气枕使用前应用水反复灌洗) E、the oxygen flow rate can't regulate(氧流量不可调节) 32、氧气筒内氧气不可用尽,其目的是 A、easy to again puff (便于再次充气) B、easy to check oxygen equipment and have or did not leak air(便于 检查氧气装置有无漏气) C、easy to regulate the oxygen flow rate(便于调节氧流量) D、make flow rate steady(使流量平稳) E、prevent explosion from again puff(防止再充气时引起爆炸) 33、用氧的注意事项中,错误的一项是 A、attention the safety for uses oxygen , must do " four precautions" (注意用氧安全,切实做好“四防”) B、regulate the oxygen flow rate first and to use behind(先调节氧流 量后用) C、forbid to pack and unload the oxygen watch with the spanner of take the oil(禁止用带油的扳手装卸氧气表) D、stop providing, first to close the oxygen switch and pull the catheter again(停用时,先关闭氧气开关再拔出导管) E、should notice the effect of providing oxygen throughout the providing oxygen process(用氧过程中应注意氧疗效果) 34、吸氧中途改变氧流量时,应 A、separate the nasal catheter and glasses to deal with the oxygen flow rate(分开鼻导管与玻璃接头调节氧流量) B、pull out the nasal catheter to regulate the flow rate(拔出鼻导管调 节流量) C、regulate the flow rate switch directly(直接调节流量开关) D、regulate the cylinder valve directly(直接调节总开关) E、replace the nasal catheter (更换鼻导管) 35、给氧的适应症不包括 A、acute left ventricular failure(急性左心衰竭) B、shock(休克) C、myoscardiacal infarction(心肌梗死) D、carbon monoxide poisoning(一氧化碳中毒)

E、 acute nephritis(急性肾炎) 36、装氧气表前,先打开总开关是为了 A、 check the oxygen tank whether have the oxygen(检查氧气筒内是 否有氧气) B、 measure to know the pressure of oxygen tank(测知氧气筒内压力) C、 sweeping the cylinder outlet, protecting the oxygen watch(清洁气 门,保护氧气表) D、 the estimate of oxygen volume inside the oxygen tank(估计氧气 筒内氧气量) e, the understand ing oxygen run off is unobstructed or not(了解氧气流出是否通畅) 37、为中毒病人洗胃时,先吸后灌的目的是 A、 preventing the stomach dilated(防止胃扩张) B、 authenticate the poison(鉴定毒物) C、 avoid infuse into windpipe(防止灌入气管) D、 avoid the absorption of the poison(防止毒物的吸收) E、 avoid the gastric nasal be jamed(防止胃管堵塞) 38、洗胃的禁忌症不包括 A、 strong acid and strong alkali is poisoned(强酸、强碱中毒) B、 varices of esophagus(食管静脉曲张) C、 peptic ulcer(消化性溃疡) D、 carcinoma of the stomach(胃癌) E、coma(昏迷 病人在洗胃过程中如有血性液体流出或虚脱现象应 A、 to rest moment, continue to gastric lavage(休息片刻,继续洗胃) B to stop gastric lavage immediately(立即停止洗胃 C、 the side observation side gastric lavage(边观察边洗胃) D、 to report the doctor immed iately(立即报告医生) 、 continue to gastric lavage slowly(继续缓慢洗胃) 40、敌百虫中毒时禁用碱性药物洗胃,主要是为了防止 A、 to trauma stomach mucosa(损伤胃黏膜 B、 to promote the absorption of the poison(促进毒物的吸收) C、 to restrain the function of the nervous system(对神经系统有抑制 作用) D、 turn to dichlorvos(DDⅤP) and have stronger toxicity(变成毒性更

E、acute nephritis(急性肾炎) 36、装氧气表前,先打开总开关是为了 A、check the oxygen tank whether have the oxygen(检查氧气筒内是 否有氧气) B、measure to know the pressure of oxygen tank(测知氧气筒内压力) C、sweeping the cylinder outlet, protecting the oxygen watch(清洁气 门,保护氧气表) D、the estimate of oxygen volume inside the oxygen tank(估计氧气 筒内氧 气 量 ) E 、 the understanding oxygen run off is unobstructed or not(了解氧气流出是否通畅) 37、为中毒病人洗胃时,先吸后灌的目的是 A、preventing the stomach dilated(防止胃扩张) B、authenticate the poison(鉴定毒物) C、avoid infuse into windpipe(防止灌入气管) D、avoid the absorption of the poison(防止毒物的吸收) E、avoid the gastric nasal be jamed(防止胃管堵塞 ) 38、洗胃的禁忌症不包括 A、strong acid and strong alkali is poisoned(强酸、强碱中毒) B、varices of esophagus (食管静脉曲张) C、peptic ulcer(消化性溃疡) D、carcinoma of the stomach (胃癌) E、coma(昏迷) 39、病人在洗胃过程中如有血性液体流出或虚脱现象应 A、to rest moment, continue to gastric lavage(休息片刻,继续洗胃) B、to stop gastric lavage immediately(立即停止洗胃) C、the side observation side gastric lavage (边观察边洗胃) D、to report the doctor immediately(立即报告医生) E、continue to gastric lavage slowly (继续缓慢洗胃) 40、敌百虫中毒时禁用碱性药物洗胃,主要是为了防止 A、to trauma stomach mucosa (损伤胃黏膜) B、to promote the absorption of the poison(促进毒物的吸收) C、to restrain the function of the nervous system(对神经系统有抑制 作用) D、turn to dichlorvos(DDVP) and have stronger toxicity(变成毒性更

强的敌敌胃) E、 to restrain the function of card iovascular(对心血管有抑制作用) 41、洗胃的目的不包括 A、 clearing out poisons(清除毒物) B、 ease the stomach mucosa edema(减轻胃黏膜水肿) C、 the preparation for the surgical operation(为手术做准备) D、 the preparation for the check(为检查做准备) E、 clearing out the accumulated blood(清除积血 42、洗胃时每次灌入溶液量应控制在 A、100m1 B、200~300ml 300~500m D、600~800ml E、800~1000m1 43、儿童吸痰时,为了避免损伤黏膜,吸引压力应小于 A、25kpaB、30kpaC、35kpa 、40kpa 44、电动吸引器吸痰的原理是 A、 the principle of negative press i(负压原理 B、 the principle of siphon(虹吸原理) C、 the principleof dynamoelectric(电动原理) D、 the principle of empty to absorb(空吸原理) E、 the principle of liquid static pressure(液体静压原理) 45、吸引器吸痰法的适应症不包括 A, the patient after operation and the wound ache dares not to cough (手术后切口疼痛不敢咳嗽病人) B、 the patient did not awake after general anesthesia(全麻术后未清 醒病人) C、 coma patient for the brain be injuried(脑外伤昏迷病人) D, the aged, the weakness and the patient have an ineffective cough(年老、体弱、无力排痰病人) E、 the pat ient with the chest be wounded serious(胸部严重创伤病 人) 46、郑先生,65岁。慢性阻塞性肺气肿,呼吸困难,需给氧治疗

强的敌敌胃) E、to restrain the function of cardiovascular (对心血管有抑制作用) 41、洗胃的目的不包括 A、clearing out poisons (清除毒物) B、ease the stomach mucosa edema(减轻胃黏膜水肿) C、the preparation for the surgical operation(为手术做准备) D、the preparation for the check(为检查做准备) E、clearing out the accumulated blood(清除积血) 42、洗胃时每次灌入溶液量应控制在 A、100ml B、200~300 ml C、 300~500 ml D、600~800 ml E、800~1000 ml 43、儿童吸痰时,为了避免损伤黏膜,吸引压力应小于 A、25kpa B、30 kpa C、35 kpa D、40 kpa E、 45 kpa 44、电动吸引器吸痰的原理是 A、the principle of negative press (负压原理) B、the principle of siphon (虹吸原理) C、the principleof dynamoelectric(电动原理) D、the principle of empty to absorb (空吸原理) E、the principle of liquid static pressure (液体静压原理) 45、吸引器吸痰法的适应症不包括 A、the patient after operation and the wound ache dares not to cough (手术后切口疼痛不敢咳嗽病人) B、the patient did not awake after general anesthesia(全麻术后未清 醒病人) C、coma patient for the brain be injuried(脑外伤昏迷病人) D、the aged, the weakness and the patient have an ineffective cough.(年老、体弱、无力排痰病人) E、the patient with the chest be wounded serious(胸部严重创伤病 人) 46、郑先生,65 岁。慢性阻塞性肺气肿,呼吸困难,需给氧治疗



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