程礼梅等:钢铁冶金过程中的界面现象 ·1155· 面润湿性的角度,包括接触角和界面张力等,对这些 [13]Zhang Y,Fruchan R J.Effect of the bubble size and chemical 现象进行了分析和解释.对于冶炼过程中存在渣的 reactions on slag foaming.Metall Mater Trans B,1995,26(4): 803 泡沫化,降低熔渣的表面张力,能够提高泡沫渣的稳 [14]Skupien D,Gaskell D R.The surface tensions and foaming be- 定性,降低泡沫的破裂率,泡沫化指数总体上呈现增 havior of melts in the system Ca0-Fe0-Si02.Metall Mater 加上升的趋势:同时增加降低熔渣与钢液间的接触 Trans B,2000,31(5):921 角,能够增大泡沫渣中的气泡直径,减少渣的泡沫 [15]Kim H S,Min D J,Park J H.Foaming behavior of Ca0-Si0,- 化.在脱硫的初始阶段,界面张力迅速降低,随后, FeO-Mgo-X (X=Al203,Mn0,P203,and CaF2)slags at 随着脱硫的进行,界面张力逐渐增加,界面张力的变 high temperatures.IS/J Int,2001,41(4):317 化与脱硫速率成正比:Ca0的渗透速度随着硫含量 [16]Lahiri A K,Seetharaman S.Foaming behavior of slags.Metall Mater Trans B,2002,33(3):499 和颗粒尺寸的减小而增加.对于耐火材料,一般来 [17]Bhoi B,Jouhari A K,Ray H S,et al.Smelting reduction reac- 说,难润湿的耐火材料其抗侵蚀性亦高,但易润湿的 tions by solid carbon using induction furace:foaming behaviour 抗侵蚀性不一定低.较低的界面张力能促进夹杂物 and kinetics of Fe0 reduction in Ca0-Si0,-FeO slag./ronmak 的形核,同时减小夹杂物的形核半径:同时,随着钢 Steelmak,2006,33(3):245 液表面张力以及钢液与夹杂物间的界面张力的降 [18]Park Y,Min D J.A structural study on the foaming behavior of 低,钢液与夹杂物间的接触角的增大,夹杂物越容易 Ca0-Si02-MO MO=Mg0,Fe0,or Al203)ternary slag sys- tem.Metall Mater Trans B,2017,48(6):3038 聚集:而夹杂物与熔渣间的接触角越小,熔渣表面张 [19]Sun K Q,Zheng S B,Hao X B,et al.Study on foam bubble for- 力越大,夹杂物与熔渣之间黏附越牢固,夹杂物越容 mation of different minerals in Cao-SiO,-Al,O:-Mgo Slag smel- 易去除:界面张力的降低使得夹杂物的空间分布的 ting reduction by hydrogen-carbon.J fron Steel Res,2012,24 均匀性降低. (10):16 (孙克强,郑少波,郝学宾,等.不同矿种H,-C熔融还原过 参考文献 程中Ca0-Si02-A山204-Mg0系熔渣的起泡行为.钢铁研究学 报,2012,24(10):16) [1]Jakobsson A,Sichen D,Seetharaman S,et al.Interfacial phe- [20]Lotun D,Pilon L.Physical modeling of slag foaming for various nomena in some slag-metal reactions.Metall Mater Trans B. operating conditions and slag compositions.IS//Int,2005,45 2000,31(5):973 (6):835 [2]Cooper C F,Kitchener J A.The foaming of molten silicates.J [21]Jung S M,Fruchan R J.Foaming characteristics of BOF slags. Iron Steel Inst,1959,193:48 IS0mt.2000,40(4):348 [3]Swisher J H,MeCabe C L.Cr2O;as foaming agent in Cao-SiO2 [22]Stadler S A C,Eksteen JJ,Aldrich C.An experimental investi- slags.Trans Metall Soc AlME,1964,230(7):1669 gation of foaming in acidic,high Fe,O slags.Miner Eng,2007, [4]Kozakevitch P,John T G.Foams and emulsions in steelmaking. 20(12):1121 J0M,1969,21(7):57 [23]Ogino K,Nishiwaki A.Visualization of CO bubbles evolution ac- [5]Sakao H,Mukai K.Interfacial phenomena in iron and steelmaking companying the silica reduction reaction by X-ray fluoroscopy. processes.Tetsu-to-Hagane,1977,63(3):513 Tets-o-Hagane,1979,65(14):1985 [6]Hara S,Ogino K.Slag-foaming phenomenon in pyrometallurgical [24]Cramb A W,Jimbo I.Calculation of the interfacial properties of processes.ISIJ Int,1992,32(1):81 liquid steel-slag systems.Steel Res Int,1989,60(34):157 [7]Katayama H.Ohno T,Yamauchi M,et al.Machanism of iron ox- [25]Mukai K,Nakamura T,Terashima H.Slag foaming in reaction ide reduction and heat transfer in the smelting reduction process between molten slag containing iron oxide and iron of high carbon with a thick layer of slag.IS/Int,1992.32(1):95 concentration.Tetsu-to-Hagane,1992,78(11):1682 [8]Hara S,Kitamura M,Ogino K.The surface viscosities and the [26]Hong L,Hirasawa M,Sano M.Behavior of slag foaming with re- foamines of molten oxides.IS/J Int,1990,30(9):714 duction of iron oxide in molten slags by graphite.IS//Int,1998, [9]Ghag S S,Hayes P C,Lee H G.Model development of slag foa- 38(12):1339 ming.1S0lt,1998,38(11):1208 [27]Takeuchi E 1,Kishimoto M,Mori K,et al.Rate of desulfuriza- [10]Ito K,Fruehan R J.Thermodynamics of nitrogen in Cao-SiO,- tion of liquid iron by Cao-Si0,-Al,O:slag and interfacial phe- Al2O slags and its reaction with Fe-C.melts.Metall Trans B. nomena.Tetsu-to-Hagane,1978,64(12):1704 1988,19(3):419 [28]Lee J,Morita K.Dynamic interfacial phenomena between gas, [11]Ito K,Fruehan R J.Study on the foaming of Cao-SiO2-FeO liquid iron and solid Cao during desulfurization.IS//Int,2004, slags:Part I.Foaming parameters and experimental results.Met- 44(2):235 all Trans B,1989,20(4):509 [29]Lee J,Morita K.Effect of carbon and sulphur on the surface ten- [12]Jiang R,Fruchan R J.Slag foaming in bath smelting.Metall sion of molten iron.Steel Res,2002,73(9):367 Trans B,1991,22(4):481 [30]Taniguchi Y,Seetharaman S.Interfacial phenomena among lig-程礼梅等: 钢铁冶金过程中的界面现象 面润湿性的角度,包括接触角和界面张力等,对这些 现象进行了分析和解释. 对于冶炼过程中存在渣的 泡沫化,降低熔渣的表面张力,能够提高泡沫渣的稳 定性,降低泡沫的破裂率,泡沫化指数总体上呈现增 加上升的趋势;同时增加降低熔渣与钢液间的接触 角,能够增大泡沫渣中的气泡直径,减少渣的泡沫 化. 在脱硫的初始阶段,界面张力迅速降低,随后, 随着脱硫的进行,界面张力逐渐增加,界面张力的变 化与脱硫速率成正比;CaO 的渗透速度随着硫含量 和颗粒尺寸的减小而增加. 对于耐火材料,一般来 说,难润湿的耐火材料其抗侵蚀性亦高,但易润湿的 抗侵蚀性不一定低. 较低的界面张力能促进夹杂物 的形核,同时减小夹杂物的形核半径;同时,随着钢 液表面张力以及钢液与夹杂物间的界面张力的降 低,钢液与夹杂物间的接触角的增大,夹杂物越容易 聚集;而夹杂物与熔渣间的接触角越小,熔渣表面张 力越大,夹杂物与熔渣之间黏附越牢固,夹杂物越容 易去除;界面张力的降低使得夹杂物的空间分布的 均匀性降低. 参 考 文 献 [1] Jakobsson A, Sichen D, Seetharaman S, et al. 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Tetsu鄄to鄄Hagane, 1978, 64(12): 1704 [28] Lee J, Morita K. Dynamic interfacial phenomena between gas, liquid iron and solid CaO during desulfurization. ISIJ Int, 2004, 44(2): 235 [29] Lee J, Morita K. Effect of carbon and sulphur on the surface ten鄄 sion of molten iron. Steel Res, 2002, 73(9): 367 [30] Taniguchi Y, Seetharaman S. Interfacial phenomena among liq鄄 ·1155·
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