home.[3]William Wilde was Ireland's leading oto-ophthalmologic(ear and eye)surgeon and was knighted in 1864 for his services as medical adviser and assistant commissioner to the censusesofIreland.[4]He also wrote books about Irish archaeology and peasant folklore.Arenowned philanthropist,his dispensary for the care ofthecity's poor at the rear of Trinity College,Dublin,was the forerunner ofthe Dublin Eye and Ear Hospital,now located at Adelaide Road.[4]Wilde was baptised as an infant in St.Mark's Church,Dublin the local Church ofIreland(Anglican)church.When the church was closed,the records were moved to the nearby St.Ann's Church. Dawson Street.[5] In London,he had been introduced to Constance Lloyd in 1881, daughter ofHorace Lloyd,a wealthy Queen's Counsel.She happened to be visiting Dublin in 1884,when Wilde was 10 lecturingat the Gaiety Theatre.He proposed to her,and they married on the29 May 1884 at the Anglican St.James Church in Paddington in London.[50]Constance's annual allowance of f250 was generous for a young woman(it would be equivalent to about 19,300 in current value),but the Wildes'tastes wererelatively luxurious and,after preachingto others for so long,their home home.[3]William Wilde was Ireland's leading oto-ophthalmologic (ear and eye) surgeon and was knighted in 1864 for his services as medical adviser and assistant commissioner to the censuses of Ireland.[4]He also wrote books about Irish archaeology and peasant folklore. A renowned philanthropist, his dispensary for the care of the city's poor at the rear of Trinity College, Dublin, was the forerunner of the Dublin Eye and Ear Hospital, now located at Adelaide Road.[4]Wilde was baptised as an infant in St. Mark's Church, Dublin the local Church of Ireland (Anglican) church. When the church was closed, the records were moved to the nearby St. Ann's Church, Dawson Street. [5] In London, he had been introduced to Constance Lloyd in 1881, daughter of Horace Lloyd, a wealthy Queen's Counsel. She happened to be visiting Dublin in 1884, when Wilde was lecturing at the Gaiety Theatre. He proposed to her, and they married on the 29 May 1884 at the Anglican St. James Church in Paddington in London.[50]Constance's annual allowance of £250 was generous for a young woman (it would be equivalent to about £19,300 in current value), but the Wildes' tastes were relatively luxurious and, after preaching to others for so long, their home 10’
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