Tongji Univesity School of Medicine 2014-2015 Academic Year,the 2*semester Final Examination of (Test paper B) Name. ID IA typel question (30 questions.One point per question) Directions:Each question below contains five suggested answers.Choose the one best response to each question 1.By definition,granulomas are composed of( a.Chronic abscess b.Collagen c.Endothelial cells and fibroblasts e.Hemosiderin-laden macrophages 2.The most important prognostic factor for human cancer is the( a.Grade b.Stage c.Lymphocytic infiltration d.Vascular invasion e.Mitotic index 3.Histologic sections of lung tissue froma68-year-old female with congestive heart failure and progressive breathing problems reveal numerous hemosiderin aden cel业s within the alveoli.Theses "heart failure cells"originate from alveolar( a.Endothelial cells b.Eosinophils c.Lymphocytes d.Macrophage e.Pneumocytes 4.During acute inflammation,histamine-induced inereased vascular permeability causes the formation of exudates(inflammatory edema).Which one of the listed cell types is the most eof the histamine? ) Endothelial cells b.Fibroblasts c.Lymphocytes Tongji Univesity School of Medicine 2014-2015 Academic Year, the 2 st semester Final Examination of __________________ (Test paper B) Name ID ⅠA type1 question(30 questions. One point per question) Directions: Each question below contains five suggested answers. Choose the one best response to each question. 1. By definition, granulomas are composed of ( ) a. Chronic abscess b. Collagen c. Endothelial cells and fibroblasts d. Macrophages or epithelioid cells e. Hemosiderin-laden macrophages 2. The most important prognostic factor for human cancer is the ( ) a. Grade b. Stage c. Lymphocytic infiltration d. Vascular invasion e. Mitotic index 3. Histologic sections of lung tissue from a 68-year-old female with congestive heart failure and progressive breathing problems reveal numerous hemosiderin-laden cells within the alveoli. Theses “heart failure cells” originate from alveolar( ) a. Endothelial cells b. Eosinophils c. Lymphocytes d. Macrophages e. Pneumocytes 4. During acute inflammation, histamine-induced increased vascular permeability causes the formation of exudates (inflammatory edema). Which one of the listed cell types is the most likely source of the histamine?( ) a. Endothelial cells b. Fibroblasts c. Lymphocytes
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