.Yadav.Kapley/Scence ofthe Total Envirorment 6()1155-1164 wwne oua ■ e-er0gv E exc-exD-Op_Matdrug__ pe using KroNa 2016).The evolution and transmission of resistance depend upon the eta2015).Studies have also shown that relative fitness of resistant lateral gene exchange between pathogenic and nonpathogenic bacteria by HGT in wastewater (Stevenson et al., 2017; von Wintersdorff et al., 2016). The evolution and transmission of resistance depend upon the multiple factors such as rate of mutation, resistance level conferred to the progeny against drug and the strength of selection pressure (Blair et al., 2015). Studies have also shown that relative fitness of resistant Fig. 3. Normalized abundance of the antibiotic resistant genes both activated sludge metagenome using KRONA. 1160 S. Yadav, A. Kapley / Science of the Total Environment 692 (2019) 1155–1164
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