Case l:Why do we have winter heating? S.J.T.U. Phase Transformation and Applications the im e the wun 0 1938 Dr.Wileken doos not like my employ ind In the the the R.Emden ntirely fro Dr.Wilelen's remarks Sax-eu ave would ta Nature C.V.DAYWDALE. Seceedary Effects of the Hard and Soft Compoeents 就 Ir has be Jor part af the electron Why do we have Winter Heating? Our实 hnr,a小60o越,per unit m域, 触=意下 thas or,taking into acount the quatn f the variqua =歌 e have to have u=0-0004 cal.crm 00-4 Cal.m. the f 00 。gw0poe以2 u4iobo SJTU Thermodynamics of Materials Spring 2006 ©X.J.Jin IntroductionPhase Transformation and Applications S. J. T. U. SJTU Thermodynamics of Materials Spring 2006 © X. J. Jin Introduction Case I: Why do we have winter heating? 1938 R. Emden Nature