ROSIGLITAZONE AND CARDIOVASCULAR OUTCOMES 芝受芝芝尽的日留888888芝受兰芝草营88 S 路家京的只分8名网8家8含盒含含含昌888。会需 居8的88的没房识的供日年年子导牙照年厨A安员 导¥8段牙8君日发母段母罗是日足号8品 品贯 q-666t ludy 3ny-T00Z 2 N ENGL J MED 356;24 WWW.NEJM.ORG JUNE 14,2007 246 The New England Journal of Medicine Rosiglitazone and Cardiovascular Outcomes n engl j med 356;24 www.nejm.org june 14 , 2007 2465 49653/331 Rsg 4 mg Chronic psoriasis Jan. 2003–Oct. 2004 44.9 64.1 88 NA Rsg 2 mg 45.2 62.0 90 NA Plc — 46.4 58.3 93 NA 49653/137 Rsg/Met ≥2 mg/≥1 g Type 2 DM April 2000–March 2004 60.0 63.4 78 NA Gly/Met ≥5 mg/≥1 g 58.8 68.9 76 SB-712753/002 Rsg/Met 4 or 8 mg/ 2–3 g Type 2 DM poorly controlled July 2003–June 2004 58.1 58.3 97 7.4 Met 2–3 g 57.6 56.8 98 7.5 SB-712753/007 Rsg/Met 2 or 8 mg/0.5-2.0 g Type 2 DM without previous drug therapy Oct. 2003–Dec. 2004 50.1 57.4 54 8.9 Rsg 4 or 8 mg 51.5 56.5 58 8.8 Met 0.5–2.0 g 50.6 58.5 59 8.8 SB-712753/009 Rsg/Met/insulin 8 mg/2 g Type 2 DM with insulin Oct. 2003–Nov. 2004 57.2 51.8 98 8.7 Insulin Usual care 56.9 53.1 99 8.8 49653/132 Rsg/Su 4 mg/usual care Patients in China with type 2 DM April 1999–Feb. 2000 58.9 47.6 100 A 9.9 Rsg/Su 8 mg/usual care 59.0 41.4 100 A 9.7 Su Usual care 58.8 45.7 100 A 9.6 AVA100193 Rsg 2 mg Mild-to-moderate Alzheimer’s disease Jan. 2004–May 2005 71.0 44.1 100 NA Rsg 4 mg 70.0 43.8 100 NA Rsg 8 mg 71.0 34.1 100 NA Plc — 72.0 36.9 100 NA DREAM Rsg 4 or 8 mg Impaired glucose tolerance or fasting glucose July 2001–Aug. 2003 54.6 41.7 66 104.5‡ Plc — 54.8 39.9 66 104.5‡ ADOPT Rsg 4 mg Recently diagnosed type 2 DM April 2000–June 2002 56.3 55.7 87 7.4 Met 500 mg 57.9 59.4 89 7.4 Gly 2.5 mg 56.4 58.0 89 7.4 Weighted adjusted means§ Rsg 56.1 60.7 84.4 8.2 Control 56.9 53.3 77.5 8.2 * Rsg denotes rosiglitazone, DM diabetes mellitus, Gly glyburide, Plc placebo, CHF congestive heart failure, Met metformin, ELM enhanced lifestyle management, Su sulfonylurea, Glip glipizide, Glim glimepiride, and NA not available. † Percentages are the proportion of white patients, unless otherwise specified as black (B), Hispanic (H), or Asian (A). ‡ The fasting plasma glucose level (in milligrams per deciliter) is listed. § Weighted adjusted means were calculated for the rosiglitazone and control groups by multiplying individual means by sample sizes, adding them together, and dividing the sum by the total sample size for each treatment group. The New England Journal of Medicine Downloaded from nejm.org on February 5, 2016. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright © 2007 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved
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