周易研究 2006年第3期(总第七十七期) 子夏易学考 刘彬 (曲阜师范大学孔子文化学院,山东曲阜27316 摘要:据史籍记载,孔子弟子卜子夏学《易》传《易》,并有易学著作《子夏易传》。由于《子夏易传》早佚,以及其他原因,后 世很多学者怀疑子夏传《易》之事。文献告诉我们,子夏学《易》传《易》应为事实。而《子夏易传》的一些佚文和其他有关文 献,说明子夏易学主要承绪孔子,兼容《易》之“古义”和“新义”的特点。特别令我们注意的是,子夏研习并传授《归藏》,这透 露了一个重大信息在儒家易学的传承中,可能存在同时传授《周易》和《归藏》两大易学系统的传统。而这一点被以前的易 学研究忽视了 关键词:子夏;子夏易学;《归藏》系统;《周易》系统 中图分类号:B 献标识码:A文章编号:1003-3882(2006)03-001912 A textual researc h on Zi Xia s yi studies LIU Bin (School of Conf ucian Culture, Qufu Normal University, Qufu 273165, China) Abstract: Historical records revealed that Conf ucius' disciple Zi Xia had studied and passed the Yi down, and the Zi Xias Commentaries on the Yi had been transmitted in later generations. On account of the early loss of his Commentaries, together with other reasons, many scholars in later dynasties suspect the authenticity of the records. As a matter of fact, tenable evidences from related document s can verify the account. Some preserved parts of the Commentaries and other literatures related are enough to prove that Zi Xias Yi tradition was mai- ly inherited from Confucius and amalgamated the "ancient meanings and "new meanings ". The most notable thing is that Zi Xia had studied and passed down Gui zang. This exposes an significant information that in the transmission of the Conf ucian Yi, the system of Zhouyi and that of Gui z ang might have been transmitted sim. ultaneously, which was neglected in the studies of the Yi in the past Key words Zi Xia; Zi Xias Yrology; system of Gui :ang; system of Zhou 子夏传《易》 子夏(公元前507-前420年)即卜商,为孔子精通六艺的七十子之一,在孔子的四科教育中,以精 通“文学”(即文献)著称。孔子没后,传经之功,子夏甚大,对此古人评价甚高,如东汉徐防在上疏中云 “臣闻《诗》《书》《礼》《乐》,定于孔子;发明章句始于子夏。”(第1500页)清人朱彝尊云:“盖自六经删 述之后,《诗》《易》俱传自子夏,夫子又称其可与言《诗》,《仪礼》则有《丧服传》一篇,又尝与魏文侯言 《乐》。郑康成谓《论语》为仲弓、子夏所撰。特《春秋》之作不赞一辞,夫子则曰《春秋》属商。其后公羊 收稿日期:2005-0617 作者简介:刘彬(1965-),男,山东滕州人,哲学博士,曲阜师范大学孔子文化学院副研究员 01994-2010chinaAcademicourmalElectronicPublishingHouse.llrightsreseredhttp://nwww.cnki.ner周易研究 2006 年第 3 期(总第七十七期) 收稿日期 :2005206217 作者简介 :刘彬(1965 - ) ,男 ,山东滕州人 ,哲学博士 ,曲阜师范大学孔子文化学院副研究员。 子夏易学考 刘 彬 (曲阜师范大学 孔子文化学院 ,山东 曲阜 273165) 摘要 :据史籍记载 ,孔子弟子卜子夏学《易》传《易》,并有易学著作《子夏易传》。由于《子夏易传》早佚 ,以及其他原因 ,后 世很多学者怀疑子夏传《易》之事。文献告诉我们 ,子夏学《易》传《易》应为事实。而《子夏易传》的一些佚文和其他有关文 献 ,说明子夏易学主要承绪孔子 ,兼容《易》之“古义”和“新义”的特点。特别令我们注意的是 ,子夏研习并传授《归藏》,这透 露了一个重大信息 :在儒家易学的传承中 ,可能存在同时传授《周易》和《归藏》两大易学系统的传统。而这一点被以前的易 学研究忽视了。 关键词 :子夏 ;子夏易学《; 归藏》系统《; 周易》系统 中图分类号 :B221 文献标识码 :A 文章编号 :100323882 (2006) 0320019212 A textual research on Zi Xia’s Yi studies L IU Bin (School of Confucian Culture , Qufu Normal University , Qufu 273165 , China) Abstract :Historical records revealed that Confucius’disciple Zi Xia had studied and passed the Yi down , and the Zi Xia’s Commentaries on the Yi had been transmitted in later generations. On account of the early loss of his Commentaries ,together with other reasons , many scholars in later dynasties suspect the authenticity of the records. As a matter of fact , tenable evidences from related documents can verify the account. Some preserved parts of the Commentaries and other literatures related are enough to prove that Zi Xia’s Yi tradition was main2 ly inherited from Confucius and amalgamated the“ancient meanings”and“new meanings”. The most notable thing is that Zi Xia had studied and passed down Gui z ang . This exposes an significant information that in the transmission of the Confucian Yi , the system of Zhouy i and that of Gui z ang might have been transmitted sim2 ultaneously , which was neglected in the studies of the Yi in the past. Key words :Zi Xia ; Zi Xia’s Yi2ology ; system of Gui z ang ;system of Zhouy i 一、子夏传《易》 子夏(公元前 507 —前 420 年) 即卜商 ,为孔子精通六艺的七十子之一 ,在孔子的四科教育中 ,以精 通“文学”(即文献) 著称。孔子没后 ,传经之功 ,子夏甚大 ,对此古人评价甚高 ,如东汉徐防在上疏中云 : “臣闻《诗》《书》《礼》《乐》,定于孔子 ;发明章句 ,始于子夏。”(第 1500 页) [ 1 ]清人朱彝尊云“: 盖自六经删 述之后《, 诗》《易》俱传自子夏 ,夫子又称其可与言《诗》《, 仪礼》则有《丧服传》一篇 ,又尝与魏文侯言 《乐》。郑康成谓《论语》为仲弓、子夏所撰。特《春秋》之作不赞一辞 ,夫子则曰《春秋》属商。其后公羊、 91 © 1994-2010 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved. http://www.cnki.net