24 C.-H.Xiao et al Table 1.(continued) Average value Angleso Treatments Jingdong8 Zhongyou9507 90 wwc 0.1588 A0.1766 a A ILLC-4 0.1726 AB 0.1657 a AB ⅡLC.3 0.1451 ab AB 0.1532 abc AB ILLC-2 0.1292 ab AB 0.1276 abed AB ELC 0.1081 B 0.1137 bed B ILLC-1 0.1040 b B 0.1084 d B 120 wwc 01645 a A 0.1765 A ILLC-4 0.1642 0.1692 6 48 ILLC-3 0.1511 B 0.1616 AB ILLC-2 0.1341 abc AB 0.1432 bed AB ⅡLC.1 0.1139 be AB 0.1255 AB ELC 0.1051 B 0.1325 w B 150 IIC4 0.1734 a 0.1679 ILLC-3 0.1637 ab AB 0.1692 Π1C.2 01547 AB 0.1568 A wwC 0.1454 abc ABC 0.1672 % AB ILLC-1 0.1325 BC 0.1515 c AB ELo 0.1166 d C 0.1555 B 180 WWC 0.2254 A 0.1678 ILLC-4 0.1879 山 B 0.1599 ILLC-3 0.1883 ab ABC 0.1555 A ILLC-2 0.1725 be BC 0.1464 ILLC-1 0.1388 c BC 0.1461 b B ELc 0.1360 c C0.1537 6 B Note:Means followed by different lower case letters differ significantly at P<0.05;those followed by different upper case letters differ significantly at P<0.01. 3.4 Correlation of Spectral Parameters of Leaf Layers with Leaf Nitrogen Content(LNC) The correlation between canopy spectral parameters,spectral grads and corresponding nitrogen content in different leaf layers (Table 2)was significant between ARVI[670. 890]and leaf layer grads at the flowering stage for Jingdong8 and milky stage for Zhongyou9507. 24 C.-H. Xiao et al. Table 1. (continued) Average value Angles° Treatments Jingdong8 Zhongyou9507 WWC 0.1588 a A 0.1766 a A ILLC-4 0.1726 a AB 0.1657 a AB ILLC-3 0.1451 ab AB 0.1532 abc AB ILLC-2 0.1292 ab AB 0.1276 abcd AB ELC 0.1081 b B 0.1137 bcd B 90 ILLC-1 0.1040 b B 0.1084 d B WWC 0.1645 a A 0.1765 a A ILLC-4 0.1642 a A 0.1692 ab AB ILLC-3 0.1511 ab AB 0.1616 abc AB ILLC-2 0.1341 abc AB 0.1432 bcd AB ILLC-1 0.1139 bc AB 0.1255 d AB 120 ELC 0.1051 c B 0.1325 cd B ILLC-4 0.1734 a A 0.1679 ab A ILLC-3 0.1637 ab AB 0.1692 a A ILLC-2 0.1547 abc AB 0.1568 bc A WWC 0.1454 abc ABC 0.1672 ab AB ILLC-1 0.1325 cd BC 0.1515 c AB 150 ELC 0.1166 d C 0.1555 c B WWC 0.2254 a A 0.1678 a A ILLC-4 0.1879 ab AB 0.1599 a A ILLC-3 0.1883 ab ABC 0.1555 a A ILLC-2 0.1725 bc BC 0.1464 a A ILLC-1 0.1388 c BC 0.1461 b B 180 ELC 0.1360 c C 0.1537 b B Note: Means followed by different lower case letters differ significantly at P< 0.05; those followed by different upper case letters differ significantly at P<0.01. 3.4 Correlation of Spectral Parameters of Leaf Layers with Leaf Nitrogen Content (LNC) The correlation between canopy spectral parameters, spectral grads and corresponding nitrogen content in different leaf layers (Table 2) was significant between △RVI[670, 890] and leaf layer grads at the flowering stage for Jingdong8 and milky stage for Zhongyou9507
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