六、课程考核 (一)考核方式 考试(分散) (二)成绩构成 平时成绩占比:30% 期末考试占比:70% (三)成绩考核标准 思想端正,积极弘扬社会主义价值观 关心国家大事,了解社会与行业的发展趋势,能够联系实际,解决行业问题 掌握课程知识,勤于思考,积极完成课程作业 七、推荐教材和教学参考资源 教材 Solomon,M.(2013).Consumer Behaviour:Buying.Having and Being(11th ed.).Beijing: Tsinghua University Press 辅助教材 1.Pearce,P.(2005)Tourist Behaviour:Themes and Conceptual Schemes.Clevedon: Channel View Publications. 2.Pearce,P.(2011)Tourist Behaviour and the Contemporary World.Bristol:Channel View Publications 教学参考资源 英文参考文献 1.Bourdieu,P.(1977).Outline of a Theory of Practices.Cambridge:Cambridge University Press. 2.Crang.M.(1997).Picturing Practices:research through the tourist gaze.Progress in Human Geography.21:359-73. 3.Crouch,D.(2002).'Surrounded by place:Embodied Encounters'.In Coleman,S.and M.Crang(eds).Tourism:Between Place and Performance.Oxford:Berghahn Books,pp. 207.218 4.Dann,G.(1977).'Anomie,ego-enhancement and tourism'.Annals of Tourism Research,44),184-194. 5.Edensor,T.(1998).Tourists at the Taj:Performance and Meaning at a Symbolic 1717 六、课程考核 (一)考核方式 考试(分散) (二)成绩构成 平时成绩占比: 30% 期末考试占比:70% (三)成绩考核标准 思想端正,积极弘扬社会主义价值观 关心国家大事,了解社会与行业的发展趋势,能够联系实际,解决行业问题 掌握课程知识,勤于思考,积极完成课程作业 七、推荐教材和教学参考资源 教材 Solomon, M. (2013). Consumer Behaviour: Buying, Having and Being (11th ed.). Beijing: Tsinghua University Press. 辅助教材 1. Pearce, P. (2005) Tourist Behaviour: Themes and Conceptual Schemes. Clevedon: Channel View Publications. 2. Pearce, P. (2011) Tourist Behaviour and the Contemporary World. Bristol: Channel View Publications. 教学参考资源 英文参考文献 1. Bourdieu, P. (1977). Outline of a Theory of Practices. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2. Crang, M. (1997). ‘Picturing Practices: research through the tourist gaze’. Progress in Human Geography, 21:359-73. 3. Crouch, D. (2002). ‘Surrounded by place: Embodied Encounters’. In Coleman, S. and M. Crang (eds). Tourism: Between Place and Performance. Oxford: Berghahn Books,pp. 207-218. 4. Dann, G. (1977). ‘Anomie, ego-enhancement and tourism’. Annals of Tourism Research, 4(4), 184-194. 5. Edensor, T. (1998). Tourists at the Taj: Performance and Meaning at a Symbolic
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