G RNA synthesis and processing G1 RNA structure G2 Transcription in prokaryotes G3 The lac operon G4 The tro operon G5 Transcription in eukaryotes G6 Transcription of protein-coding genes G7 Requlation of transcription by RNA pol l G8 Processing of eukaryotic pre-mRNA G 9 Ribosomal RNA G10 Transfer rna• G1 RNA structure • G2 Transcription in prikaryotes • G3 The lac operon • G4 The trp operon • G5 Transcription in eukaryotes • G6 Transcription of protein-coding genes • G7 Regulation of transcription by RNA pol II • G8 Processing of eukaryotic pre-mRNA • G9 Ribosomal RNA • G10 Transfer RNA G RNA synthesis and processing
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