Vol.29 Suppl.1 王时松等:CaO-Mg铁水脱硫渣改性剂的实验研究 ·43· [7]Donahue F M.A study of hot metal desulphurization by magne- [9]日本铁钢协会.溶铁熔渣)物性值便览.日本铁钢协会,1972 sium-lime powder injection.Steelmaking Conference Pro- [10]Bieniosek T.Hot metal desulfurization by Co-injection of cal- ceedings,1992,249 cium carbide and magnesium.Steelmaking Conference Pro- [8]文光远.铁治金学.重庆:重庆大学出版社,1993 ceedings,.1986,69:349 Research on slag modified agent for desulphurization of hot metal by CaO-Mg WANG Shisong,XIE Bing,AN Changxia,LONG Yiju,PU Shengliang?) 1)College of Material Science and Engineering.Chongqing University,Chongqing 400044,China 2)Chongqing Iron Steel Co.Ltd.,Chongqing 400083,China ABSTRACT The admixture of CaO and Mg was used to treat the hot metal for desulphurizing in Chongqing Steel Corporation.The fluidity of the desulfurizd slag is not of benefit to separating the molten slag from hot metal.Usually,the way to resolve the problem is modifying the desulfurizd slag with using the modifying agent. The compositions of the modifying agent were optimized through experiment analysis.It is found that the melt- ing point of the modifying agent is 930C,and the viscosity is 0.627 Pa-s at 1250C,the melting point of the modified desulfurization slag is from 1350 to 1370C,and the viscosity is less than I Pa-s.The primary plant trial showed that the modifying agent could properly solve the problem of separating slag from hot metal. KEY WORDS hot metal pretreatment;desulphurization;desulfurized slag;modifying agent;physical proper- tiesVol.29 Suppl.1 王时松等:CaO-Mg 铁水脱硫渣改性剂的实验研究 • 43 • [7] Donahue F M. A study of hot metal desulphurization by magnesium⎯lime powder injection. Steelmaking Conference Proceedings, 1992, 249 [8] 文光远.铁冶金学.重庆:重庆大学出版社,1993 [9] 日本铁钢协会.溶铁熔渣の物性值便览.日本铁钢协会,1972 [10] Bieniosek T. Hot metal desulfurization by Co-injection of calcium carbide and magnesium. Steelmaking Conference Proceedings, 1986, 69: 349 Research on slag modified agent for desulphurization of hot metal by CaO-Mg WANG Shisong1), XIE Bing1), AN Changxia2), LONG Yiju2), PU Shengliang2) 1) College of Material Science and Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400044, China 2) Chongqing Iron & Steel Co. Ltd., Chongqing 400083, China ABSTRACT The admixture of CaO and Mg was used to treat the hot metal for desulphurizing in Chongqing Steel Corporation. The fluidity of the desulfurizd slag is not of benefit to separating the molten slag from hot metal. Usually, the way to resolve the problem is modifying the desulfurizd slag with using the modifying agent. The compositions of the modifying agent were optimized through experiment analysis. It is found that the melting point of the modifying agent is 930°C, and the viscosity is 0.627 Pa⋅s at 1250°C, the melting point of the modified desulfurization slag is from 1350 to 1370°C, and the viscosity is less than 1 Pa⋅s. The primary plant trial showed that the modifying agent could properly solve the problem of separating slag from hot metal. KEY WORDS hot metal pretreatment; desulphurization; desulfurized slag; modifying agent; physical properties