We are only 10% human, the rest is pure microbe We are walking ecosystems, highly complex conglomerations of human cells, bacteria, fungi and viruses For every HUMAN gene in your body, there are 300 microbial genes 义义义义义关菜义义关菜义义 义义义义关义义英关关关 义义菜义义义菱义义义 义氢一义义关义义义义义义 义义义义关爻义 义菜义义义义义义义义义义义义了 义关义一义义义义义区义义 义义义义义义关义义义义义关关义义义义义义义 义义义义义义义义义关关英 义义义义义关义关义 义义区义义义义菜关菱• We are only 10% human, the rest is pure microbe. • We are walking ecosystems, highly complex conglomerations of human cells, bacteria, fungi and viruses