基因工程原理实验指导 the eppendorf tube.Keep the plant material frozen allows easy grinding to a fine powder. 3.After grinding,add 500ul of hot extraction buffer(80 C and phenol (1:1 )(250 H lofeach).Extraction buffer:0.1 M LiCl,100 mM Tris.HCI pH=8.0,10 mM EDTA, 1%SDS) 4 Homogenized the mixtures by vortex for 30 seconds,and add 250ul chloroform/isoamylalcohol(24:1)and vortex. 5.Centrifuge for 5 min,remove the waterphases and mix with one volume of 4 M LiCL 6.Store RNAs at 4 C overnight and centrifuge for 10 min. 7 Dissolve the pellets in 250ul DEPC water,add 0.1 vol.of 3 M NaOAc (pH 5.2). and precipitate the RNAs with 2.5 vols of ethanol. 8.Centrifuge for 10 min for 4 C,wash the RNA pellets with 70%EtOH and dry the pellets. 9 Dissolve the pellets in 15ul DEPC water. (Routinely between 25 and 50ug of total RNA is obtained from 100 mg tobacco. tomato or potato leaftissue) 实验十一RT-PCR实验 实验目的:学习RT-PCR的原理及其操作过程。 实验材料:水稻叶片的RNA。 实验原理:目前PCR技术只能扩增DNA模板,对RNA模板不能直接扩增。 mRNA反转录生成的cDNA可作为PCR的模板进行扩增,这种在mRNA反 转录后进行的PCR扩增称为RT-PCR。RT-PCR比Northern杂交更灵敏, 对RNA的质量要求较低,操作简便,它是在转录水平上检测基因时空表达的 常用方法。 本实验以水稻叶片RNA为材料,检测B-actin基因的表达。实验中设定2个 阴性对照:一个不加模板RNA,另一个不加反转录酶,主要是消除DNA及 PCR试剂方面引起的假阳性:同时以叶片DNA为阳性对照,检验PCR试剂 和扩增过程是否有问题。 实验步聚, RNA Preparation 1.Prepare the plant total RNA by TRIzol Reagent. 2.Dilute the Total RNA to the final concentration of I ug/ul by DU640 3.Combine the following in a0.5 ml sterile eppendorftube: Total RNA0.5-1μg 19基因工程原理实验指导 19 the eppendorf tube. Keep the plant material frozen allows easy grinding to a fine powder. 3、After grinding , add 500µl of hot extraction buffer (80 ℃ ) and phenol ( 1:1 ) (250 µ lof each). ( Extraction buffer: 0.1 M LiCl, 100 mM Tris.HCl pH=8.0, 10 mM EDTA, 1% SDS) 4 、 Homogenized the mixtures by vortex for 30 seconds, and add 250µl chloroform/isoamylalcohol (24:1) and vortex. 5、Centrifuge for 5 min, remove the waterphases and mix with one volume of 4 M LiCl. 6、Store RNAs at 4 ℃ overnight and centrifuge for 10 min. 7、Dissolve the pellets in 250µl DEPC water, add 0.1 vol. of 3 M NaOAc (pH 5.2), and precipitate the RNAs with 2.5 vols of ethanol. 8、Centrifuge for 10 min for 4 ℃ , wash the RNA pellets with 70% EtOH and dry the pellets. 9、Dissolve the pellets in 15µl DEPC water. (Routinely between 25 and 50µg of total RNA is obtained from 100 mg tobacco, tomato or potato leaf tissue) 实验十一 RT-PCR 实验 实验目的:学习 RT-PCR 的原理及其操作过程。 实验材料:水稻叶片的 RNA 。 实验原理:目前 PCR 技术只能扩增 DNA 模板,对 RNA 模板不能直接扩增。 mRNA 反转录生成的 cDNA 可作为 PCR 的模板进行扩增,这种在 mRNA 反 转录后进行的 PCR 扩增称为 RT-PCR 。 RT-PCR 比 Northern 杂交更灵敏, 对 RNA 的质量要求较低,操作简便,它是在转录水平上检测基因时空表达的 常用方法。 本实验以水稻叶片 RNA 为材料,检测 β -actin 基因的表达。实验中设定 2 个 阴性对照:一个不加模板 RNA ,另一个不加反转录酶,主要是消除 DNA 及 PCR 试剂方面引起的假阳性;同时以叶片 DNA 为阳性对照,检验 PCR 试剂 和扩增过程是否有问题。 实验步骤: RNA Preparation 1. Prepare the plant total RNA by TRIzol Reagent. 2. Dilute the Total RNA to the final concentration of 1 µ g / µ l by DU640. 3. Combine the following in a 0.5 ml sterile eppendorf tube: Total RNA 0.5- 1 µ g
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