ournal of Natural Products Review B■N■NB■ND■SS/NM■S■S/NM■ Figure 2.All new ap NNB■VD S BSNM■SN Figure 3.Source of smal-molecule approved drugs. disparate sources that culminated in a 2005 review or agents and"Mdaleto refer to Martindalewith the eutica equivalent to the year of int of the drug.In We have a .In these tables ARMC efers to the of A ■RESULTS olume of Drug Nows and Perpective and the though this joura -Reuters,Integrity)database. we have used "Boyd"to refer to a review article umbers for the past few years.If however,combinationsof 00301a减2012.75,311-3 disparate sources that culminated in a 2005 review on biopharmaceutical drugs.72 We have also attempted to capture vaccine data in the past few years, but this area of the database is not as complete as we would hope. We have also included relevant references in a condensed form in Tables 2−5 and 8−10. If we were to provide the full citations, the numbers of references cited in the present review would become overwhelming. In these tables, “ARMC ##” refers to the volume of Annual Reports in Medicinal Chemistry together with the page on which the structure(s) and commentary can be found. Similarly, “DNP ##” refers to the volume of Drug News and Perspective and the corresponding page(s), though this journal has now ceased publication as of the 2010 volume, and an “I ######” is the accession number in the Prous (now Thomson-Reuters, Integrity) database. Finally, we have used “Boyd” to refer to a review article73 on clinical antitumor agents and “M’dale” to refer to Martindale74 with the relevant page noted. It should be noted that the “year” header in all tables is equivalent to the “year of introduction” of the drug. In a number of cases over the years, there are discrepancies between sources as to the actual year due to differences in definitions. Some reports will use the year of approval (registration by non￾USA/FDA organizations), while others will use the first recorded sales. We have generally taken the earliest year in the absence of further information. ■ RESULTS As in previous reviews, we have covered only new chemical entities in the present analysis. As mentioned in the earlier reviews, if one reads the FDA and PhRMA Web sites, the numbers of NDA approvals are in the high ten to low hundred numbers for the past few years. If, however, combinations of Figure 2. All new approved drugs by source/year. Figure 3. Source of small-molecule approved drugs. Journal of Natural Products Review 313 dx.doi.org/10.1021/np200906s | J. Nat. Prod. 2012, 75, 311−335
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