KI for Design of Complex Systems Rationality and Optimality in Design Rationality in Design (i.e.,Do-the-Right-Thing) m First,designers must choose the right design targets to stimulate customer demands This is a synthesis process(CNs>FRs)based on social reality Optimality in Design (i.e.,Do-the-Thing-Right) Then,designers must optimize the design parameters to maximize system performances This is an analysis process(DPs>PVs)based on brute reality Good Design Thinking must support the integrate between rationality(social reality)and optimality(brute reality) Designers must properly manage the integration between "do-the- right-thing"with "do-the-thing-right"in design thinking This integration task occurs during conceptual design(FRs>DPs) Design Thinking must have strong support to conceptual design Fall 2007 Stephen Lu KAIST Study Design Thinking to Make Design of Complex Systems Simple 13Rationality and Optimality in Design Rationality and Optimality in Design ine Rationality in Design (i.e., Do Rationality in Design (i.e., Do -the -Right -Thing) „ First, designers must choose the right design targets to stimulate customer demands e Š This is a synthesis process (CNs Æ FRs) based on social reality cture 3 Outl This is a synthesis process (CNs Æ FRs) based on social reality Optimality in Design (i.e., Do-the-Thing-Right) „ Then, designers must optimize the design parameters to maximize system performances Le system performances Š This is an analysis process (DPs Æ PVs) based on brute reality Good Design Thinking must support the integrate between rati lit ( i l lit ) d ti lit (b t lit ) tionality (social realit y ) an d optimality (bru te realit y ) „ Designers must properly manage the integration between “do-the￾right-thing” with “do-the-thing-right” in design thinking Fall 2007 © Stephen Lu @ KAIST [ Study Design Thinking to Make Design of Complex Systems Simple ] 13 Š This integration task occurs during conceptual design (FRs Æ DPs) Š Design Thinking must have strong support to conceptual design
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