KI for Design of Complex Systems The Framework of Design Thinking A framework is a conceptual architecture of Design 寸 Thinking that has the ability of systematically: Organizing different types of design decisions into separate domains Specifications of design targets(i.e.,WHAT decisions)and generations of design concepts(i.e.,HOW decisions)must be treated separately and organized independently into distinctive domains Managing the dependency relations during design process Dependencies between design decisions can be managed by tracking the mapping operations between two adjacent design domains Controlling the abstraction levels during design process Abstractions of design decisions can be controlled by decompositions into different layers of a hierarchy (within each separate domain) Integrating dependency and abstraction during the design process Good Design Thinking leads to a clear organization of dependencies between domains and the abstraction between layers of an artifact Fall 2007 Stephen Lu KAIST Study Design Thinking to Make Design of Complex Systems Simple 14The Framework of Design Thinking of Design Thinking ine A framework is a conceptual architecture of Design A framework is a conceptual architecture of Design Thinking that has the ability of systematically: „ Organizing different types of design decisions into separate domains Š Specifications of design targets (i e WHAT decisions) and generations ecture 4 Outl Specifications of design targets (i.e., WHAT decisions) and generations of design concepts (i.e., HOW decisions) must be treated separately and organized independently into distinctive domains „ Managing the dependency relations during design process L e „ Managing the dependency relations during design process Š Dependencies between design decisions can be managed by tracking the mapping operations between two adjacent design domains „ Controlling the Controlling the abstraction abstraction levels during design process levels during design process Š Abstractions of design decisions can be controlled by decompositions into different layers of a hierarchy (within each separate domain) „ Integrating dependency and abstraction during the design process Fall 2007 © Stephen Lu @ KAIST [ Study Design Thinking to Make Design of Complex Systems Simple ] 14 Integrating dependency and abstraction during the design process Š Good Design Thinking leads to a clear organization of dependencies between domains and the abstraction between layers of an artifact
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