唐亚男等:分层胶结充填体力学特性及裂纹演化规律 ·1295 50mm- Cement-tailing ratio of 1:4 30 mm Cement-tailing 40 mm Tailings particles Cemented particles a中0o11:8 Parallel bond contact Smooth joint contact 士 Cement-tailing ratio of 4 图10分层充填体数值模型细观结构(顶底层灰砂比为1:4、中间层灰砂比为1:8、中间层高度比为0.4) Fig.10 Microstructure of numerical model of interbedded backfill (The cement-tailing ratio of top and bottom layer is 1 4,the cement-tailing ratio of middle layer is 1:8,and the height ratio of middle layer is 0.4) 8000 8000 (a) (b) 6000 Cement-tailing ratio of 1:4 6000 Cement-tailing ratio of 1:4 Cement-tailing ratio of 1:6 Cement-tailing ratio of 1:6 Cement-tailing ratio of 1:8 Cement-tailing ratio of 1:8 Cement-tailing ratio of 1:10 Cement-tailing ratio of 1:10 三4000 400 52000 52000 0 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 Strain/% Strain/% 8000 (c) (d) 6000 Height ratio of 0.2 -Height ratio of 0.2 Height ratio of 0.4 6000 Height ratio of 0.4 4500 Height ratio of Height ratio of 0.6 Height ratio of 0.8 Height ratio of8 4000 之3000 1500 2000 0 0 0.5 1.0 1.52.0 2.5 3.0 0.5 1.01.5 2.0 2.53.0 Strain/% Strain/% 图11不同分层充填体裂纹演化规律.(a)高度比为0.4:(b)高度比为0.6:(c)灰砂比为1:6:(d)灰砂比为1:8 Fig.11 Cracks evolution of different interbedded backfills:(a)height ratio of 0.4;(b)height ratio of 0.6;(c)cemented-tailings ratio of 1 6; (d)cemented-tailings ratio of 1 8 观察图12可以看出,分层充填体应力-应变曲 始增加,裂纹增量曲线缓慢上升;持续施加荷载, 线初期,内部颗粒之间接触力小于颗粒之间黏结 外部荷载慢慢达到单轴抗压强度80%时,裂纹累 键强度,颗粒间黏结键未发生破坏,分层充填体内 积曲线出现拐点并迅速上升,裂纹增量曲线也出 部无裂纹产生;随着加载的进行,颗粒间接触力慢 现跃升:继续施加荷载,应力-应变曲线开始出现 慢增大,开始超过其黏结键强度,黏结键被破坏, 下降趋势,裂纹累积曲线继续保持高速增长,裂纹 内部开始产生裂纹,裂纹增量曲线开始出现波动: 增量曲线稳定在较高水平,总体而言,随着应力- 继续施加荷载,越来越多颗粒间接触力超过其黏 应变曲线的发展,裂纹累积曲线先缓慢增加、然后 结键强度,更多的黏结键被破坏,此时内部裂纹开 快速增加、最后增速又开始放缓,裂纹增量曲线先观察图 12 可以看出,分层充填体应力–应变曲 线初期,内部颗粒之间接触力小于颗粒之间黏结 键强度,颗粒间黏结键未发生破坏,分层充填体内 部无裂纹产生;随着加载的进行,颗粒间接触力慢 慢增大,开始超过其黏结键强度,黏结键被破坏, 内部开始产生裂纹,裂纹增量曲线开始出现波动; 继续施加荷载,越来越多颗粒间接触力超过其黏 结键强度,更多的黏结键被破坏,此时内部裂纹开 始增加,裂纹增量曲线缓慢上升;持续施加荷载, 外部荷载慢慢达到单轴抗压强度 80% 时,裂纹累 积曲线出现拐点并迅速上升,裂纹增量曲线也出 现跃升;继续施加荷载,应力–应变曲线开始出现 下降趋势,裂纹累积曲线继续保持高速增长,裂纹 增量曲线稳定在较高水平. 总体而言,随着应力– 应变曲线的发展,裂纹累积曲线先缓慢增加、然后 快速增加、最后增速又开始放缓,裂纹增量曲线先 50 mm 30 mm Tailings particles 40 mm 30 mm 100 mm Parallel bond contact Smooth joint contact Cemented particles Cement-tailing ratio of 1:4 Cement-tailing ratio of 1:8 Cement-tailing ratio of 1:4 图 10 分层充填体数值模型细观结构(顶底层灰砂比为 1∶4、中间层灰砂比为 1∶8、中间层高度比为 0.4) Fig.10 Microstructure of numerical model of interbedded backfill (The cement-tailing ratio of top and bottom layer is 1∶4, the cement-tailing ratio of middle layer is 1∶8, and the height ratio of middle layer is 0.4) Cracks number 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 Strain/% 0 1500 3000 4500 6000 (c) Height ratio of 0.2 Height ratio of 0.4 Height ratio of 0.6 Height ratio of 0.8 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Cracks number Strain/% (a) Cement-tailing ratio of 1:4 Cement-tailing ratio of 1:6 Cement-tailing ratio of 1:8 Cement-tailing ratio of 1:10 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Cracks number 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 Strain/% (b) Cement-tailing ratio of 1:4 Cement-tailing ratio of 1:6 Cement-tailing ratio of 1:8 Cement-tailing ratio of 1:10 Height ratio of 0.2 Height ratio of 0.4 Height ratio of 0.6 Height ratio of 0.8 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Cracks number 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 Strain/% (d) 图 11 不同分层充填体裂纹演化规律. (a)高度比为 0.4;(b)高度比为 0.6;(c)灰砂比为 1∶6;(d)灰砂比为 1∶8 Fig.11 Cracks evolution of different interbedded backfills: (a) height ratio of 0.4; (b) height ratio of 0.6; (c) cemented-tailings ratio of 1∶6; (d) cemented-tailings ratio of 1∶8 唐亚男等: 分层胶结充填体力学特性及裂纹演化规律 · 1295 ·