(2)objective reality is complex,so the cognition to it is a process(客观实际是复杂的, 对它的认识是一个过程) 认识一实践一再认识一再实践. 3.4 Qualitative and quantitative methods combined together(定性与定量) Any economic problem has its qualitative and quantitative specificities(任何经济问题都有其定性和定 量的规定性) So,in order to understand the problem accurately, we must to study it both qualitatively and quantitatively. 3.4 Qualitative and quantitative methods combined together(定性与定量) Any economic problem has its qualitative and quantitative specificities (任何经济问题都有其定性和定 量的规定性) So, in order to understand the problem accurately, we must to study it both qualitatively and quantitatively. (2) objective reality is complex, so the cognition to it is a process (客观实际是复杂的, 对它的认识是一个过程) 认识→实践→再认识→再实践 .
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