《汉英笔译》课程教学大纲 The Course Syllabus of Chinese-English Translation 一、课程基本信息(Basic Course Information) 课程代码:16042302 Course Code:16042302 课程名称: 课程类别:学科基础课 Course Type Subject Basic Course 学时:32 Period:32 2 适用对象:英语专业 Target Students:Undergraduate Majoring in English 考核方式:考试 Assessment: Examination 先修课程:英汉翻译 Preparatory Course:English-Chinese Translatior 二、课程简介(BriefCourse Introduction) 汉英笔译是英语专业高年级的必修课。该课程旨在通过汉英词语、句子及语 篇的对比分析,揭示汉英语言特征及汉英文本的关系:通过题材、风格、文体各 异的笔译练习与讲评,培养学生根据语境以及不同的文体要求进行汉英翻译的技 能 Chinese-English Translation is a skill-based compulsory course for the English majors.Through comparative analysis of the features of Chinese and English in terms of lexical,syntactic and textual levels,the course aims to shed light on the the features and the relationship of the two languages.It also involves a lot of translation exercises of different topics and styles for the students to acquire due competence to translate from Chinese to English in a variety of contexts. 三、课程性质与教学目的 本课程为学科基础课,旨在提高译者汉英翻译的双语文化和语言理解和转换 的能力,让学习者熟悉汉译英的基本方法与技巧,培养学习者的爱国情怀与文化 自信,达到教育部对高校英语专业学生的汉译英技能要求:能运用翻译的理论和 技巧,将我国报刊、杂志上的文章和一般文学作品译成英语,速度为每小时翻译 300-350个英文单词,且译文达到忠实原意,语言流畅。 四、教学内容及要求《汉英笔译》课程教学大纲 The Course Syllabus of Chinese - English Translation 一、课程基本信息(Basic Course Information) 课程代码:16042302 Course Code : 16042302 课程名称:汉英笔译 Course Name : Chinese – English Translation 课程类别:学科基础课 Course Type : Subject Basic Course 学 时:32 Period: 32 学 分:2 Credit: 2 适用对象:英语专业 Target Students: Undergraduate Majoring in English 考核方式:考试 Assessment: Examination 先修课程:英汉翻译 Preparatory Course: English – Chinese Translation 二、课程简介(Brief Course Introduction) 汉英笔译是英语专业高年级的必修课。该课程旨在通过汉英词语、句子及语 篇的对比分析,揭示汉英语言特征及汉英文本的关系;通过题材、风格、文体各 异的笔译练习与讲评,培养学生根据语境以及不同的文体要求进行汉英翻译的技 能。 Chinese-English Translation is a skill-based compulsory course for the English majors. Through comparative analysis of the features of Chinese and English in terms of lexical, syntactic and textual levels, the course aims to shed light on the the features and the relationship of the two languages. It also involves a lot of translation exercises of different topics and styles for the students to acquire due competence to translate from Chinese to English in a variety of contexts. 三、课程性质与教学目的 本课程为学科基础课,旨在提高译者汉英翻译的双语文化和语言理解和转换 的能力,让学习者熟悉汉译英的基本方法与技巧,培养学习者的爱国情怀与文化 自信,达到教育部对高校英语专业学生的汉译英技能要求;能运用翻译的理论和 技巧,将我国报刊、杂志上的文章和一般文学作品译成英语,速度为每小时翻译 300-350 个英文单词,且译文达到忠实原意,语言流畅。 四、 教学内容及要求
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