你是我今生最美的遇见,祝您考试金榜题名! We are very pleased with our new house.我们对我们的新房很满意 The good news pleased the family.这个好消息使全家人高兴 I hope you have a pleasant trip.我希望你旅途愉快 4、 daily, adj.每日的,日常的:life n. China Daily《中国日报》/ The People’ s Daily《人民日报》 5、 pIoneer n.开辟者:拓荒者:先驱者:先锋:The^ s met many dangers.开拓者们遇 到了许多危险。/ The Young Pioneers少年先锋队 6、lis“n.清单;目录:一览表;名单; shopping V.把.列成表:把..加入目录:列举: He ed all the things he wanted to but 7、 mention.①0提及,说起:; The newspaper made no of him.②[常用作单 数]提及: The actor’ s wedding got aˇonTV.这位演员的婚礼在电 视上提过 V.提及,说起: He often ed his wife to me./Don’tit.(答复 别人道谢时用语)不用客气。 8、 accidental ad j.偶然的:意外的 accident n ①意外的事:an ②事故: a traffic ③by:偶然地(= by chance): I met her by 9、 nearly adv.(= almost)差不多,几乎:It’ s ten o' clock.差不多10点钟了 near adj.(空间、时间)近的: The post offic 10、 ruler ①统治者,管辖者 尺,直尺 1、 boil v.煮沸;在沸水中煮: water ①剩下,余留: In one’ S memor y留在记忆中 12、 remain②(人)留下,逗留: I ed three days in that country ③(作连系动词)保持,仍是(+adj./n./v-ing/介词短语) ①n.[U;C]气味: strong S:强烈的气味 What a terrible!多难闻的 气味 你是我今生最美的遇见,祝您考试金榜题名!- 2 - We are very pleased with our new house. 我们对我们的新房很满意。 The good news pleased the family. 这个好消息使全家人高兴 I hope you have a pleasant trip. 我希望你旅途愉快。 4、daily adj. 每日的,日常的: ~life n. China Daily 《中国日报》 /The People’s Daily 《人民日报》 5、pioneer n. 开辟者;拓荒者;先驱者;先锋:The ~s met many dangers.开拓者们遇 到了许多危险。/ The Young Pioneers 少年先锋队 6、list n. 清单;目录;一览表;名单:shopping ~ v. 把...列成表;把...加入目录;列举:He ~ed al l the things he wanted to buy. 7、mention n. ① [U] 提及,说起: The newspaper made no ~ of him.②[常用作单 数] 提及:The actor’s wedding got a ~ on TV. 这位演员的婚礼在电 视上提过。 v. 提及,说起:He often ~ed his wife to me. / Don’t ~ it. (答复 别人道谢时用语)不用客气。 8、accidental adj. 偶然的;意外的 accident n . ①意外的事:an ~ ②事故:a traffic ~ ③by ~:偶然地 (= by chance):I met her by ~. 9、nearly adv. (=almost) 差不多,几乎:It’s ~ ten o’ clock. 差不多 10 点钟了。 near a dj. (空间、时间)近的:The post office is quite ~. 10、ruler n. ① 统治者,管辖者 ② 尺,直尺 11、boil v. 煮沸;在沸水中煮:~ water ① 剩下,余留:~ in one’s memory 留在记忆中 12、remain ②(人)留下,逗留:I ~ed three days in that country. ③(作连系动词)保持,仍是(+adj./n./v-ing/ 介词短语) ① n. [U;C] 气味:strong ~s: 强烈的气味 What a terrible ~!多难闻的 气味!
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