你是我今生最美的遇见,祝您考试金榜题名! 13、 smell②vt.闻:嗅到: Can you some thi, ng burning? 嗅: We with our noses. 14、 national ad j.(无比较等级)国家的:民族的:全国的: a flag国旗bein style 民族风格 a holiday国定假期 nation n.国家:民族: The Chinese中华民族 The United nations联合国 15、 doubt n.疑惑,怀疑: without毫无疑问 V.怀疑(+名词、代词、“疑问词+动词不定式”) 【形成性检测】 I.根据句意及首字母提示完成下列句子。 in modern medical research. He won the nobel prize 1976. 2. It's time to go to bed. Have you finished your school p 3.She’ssad, but she didn’tm her mother’ s illness 4. so nice. What delicious food it is! 5. Look around us. Only a few apples r on the trees 6. As Chinese, we must protect our n Interests is without d the cleverest student in our class 你是我今生最美的遇见,祝您考试金榜题名!- 3 - 13、smell ② vt. 闻;嗅到: Can you ~ something burning? ③ vi. 闻;嗅: We ~ with our noses. 14、nat ional adj. (无比较等级)国家的;民族的;全国的:a ~ flag 国旗 be ~ in style 民族风格 a ~ holiday 国定假期 nation n. 国家;民族: The Chinese ~中华民族 The United Nations 联合国 15、doubt n. 疑惑,怀疑:without ~ 毫无疑问 v. 怀疑 (+名词、代词、“疑问词+ 动词不定式”) 【形成性检测】 I. 根据句意及首字母提示完成下列句子。 1. He is a p___________________ in modern medical research. He won the Nobel Prize in 1976. 2. It’s time to go to bed. Have you finished your school p______________? 3. She’s sad, but she didn’t m______________her mother’s illness. 4. Oh, it s___________ so nice. What delicious food it is! 5. Look around us. Only a few apples r____________ on the trees. 6. As Chinese, we must protect our n_______________ interests. 7. He is without d____________ the cleverest student in our class
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