Unit5 Movies New Words词汇表 motion n. the act or process of changing position or place 运动,动作 flick n. (slang)amovie (俚语)电影 undoubtedly ad. accepted as beyond question;undisputed 毋庸置疑地,的确 influential a. havingor exercising influence 有影响的 project n. a plan or proposal,a schem;an undertaking requiring concerted effort 计划,方案;工程,项目 V. to cause (an image)to appear on a surface 投映,放映 fantasy n. imagined event or sequence of mental images,such as a daydream,usually fulfilling a wish or psychological need 幻想,空想,白日梦 glamour n. an air of compelling charm,romance,and excitement,especially when delusively alluring 魔力,魅力 conscience n. the awareness of a moral or ethical aspect to one's conduct together with the urge to prefer right over wrong 良心,良知 collective a. of,relating to,characteristic of,or made by a number of people acting as agroup 共同的,集体的,群体的 encompass v. to form a circle or ring around;tosurround,constituteorinclude 围绕,包围;包含,包括 locationn. the act or process of locating;a place where something is or could be located;a siteUnit 5 MoviesNew Words 词汇表 motion n. the act or process of changing position or place 运动,动作 flick n. (slang)a movie (俚语)电影 undoubtedly ad. accepted as beyond question; undisputed 毋庸置疑地,的确 influential a. having or exercising influence 有影响的 project n. a plan or proposal,a schem; an undertaking requiring concerted effort 计划,方案;工程,项目 v. to cause(an image)to appear on a surface 投映,放映 fantasy n. imagined event or sequence of mental images,such as a daydream,usually fulfilling a wish or psychological need 幻想,空想,白日梦 glamour n. an air of compelling charm, romance, and excitement,especially when delusively alluring 魔力,魅力 conscience n. the awareness of a moral or ethical aspect to one's conduct together with the urge to prefer right over wrong 良心,良知 collective a. of, relating to, characteristic of, or made by a number of people acting as a group 共同的,集体的,群体的 encompass v. to form a circle or ring around; to surround,constitute or include 围绕,包围;包含,包括 locationn. the act or process of locating; a place where something is or could be located; a site
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