SJQU-QR-JW-033 (AO) 【管理学(英语)】 Management( English)】 1. Basic information Course code:【2060 Course credits:【3】 Major;【 Tourism Management】 Characteristic of The Course: tOSchool Compulsory Courses] School: Department of Tourism Management, Business School Teaching Materials and Textbooks; Textbook: Fundamental of Management 10th Edition, Stephen P. Robbins, Mary Coult Reference book: I New Era of Managemt 9th Edition, Richard L. DaftI Online Learning Website URLs Prerequisite:【Ni】 2. Course Description This course introduces the core content of management science: and it is kernal course for Tour Management majors. This course deals with the knowledge of the discipline of management. It is a combination of business implementation, management and communication technology. This course mainly refers to the latest data at domestic and abroad. In many concepts and management patterns, the latest and most representative cases of success or failure are selected. Different project scenarios and different methods are used to achieve project success. At the same time, case study as well as article reading is important for learning this subject. It supplemented by classroom interaction and to ntegrate case to analyze This course is suitable for the Management class, which requires students to have the theoretical basis for an overview of management, and has a certain capacity for business budget, implementation and evaluation 3. Suggestion for choice of the Course This course is suitable for the fourth semester of all management majors. It is based on the study of behavioral, psychology, and sociology courses. It teaches all aspects of management in English, allowing students to master English in terms of proprietary terms, know-how.etc 4. The Correlation of Curriculum and graduation Requirements Graduation Requirements relations LOll: Understand the viewpoints and needs of others, can clearly express their opinions and suggestions, and can communicate with customers in both written and spoken English LO21: Collect, analysis, discuss and practice data of new knowledge, new technologies new situations in the field of tourism, complete the autonomous learning and application of【管理学(英语)】 【Management (English)】 1. Basic Information Course Code:【2060670】 Course Credits:【3】 Major:【Tourism Management】 Characteristic of The Course:【◎School Compulsory Courses】 School:Department of Tourism Management, Business School Teaching Materials and Textbooks: Textbook: 【 Fundamental of Management 10th Edition, Stephen P. Robbins, Mary Coulter, DeCenzo,2017】 Reference book:【New Era of Managemt 9th Edition, Richard L. Daft】 Online Learning Website URL: Prerequisite:【Nil】 2. Course Description This course introduces the core content of management science; and it is kernal course for Tour Management majors. This course deals with the knowledge of the discipline of management. It is a combination of business implementation, management and communication technology. This course mainly refers to the latest data at domestic and abroad. In many concepts and management patterns, the latest and most representative cases of success or failure are selected. Different project scenarios and different methods are used to achieve project success. At the same time, case study as well as article reading is important for learning this subject. It supplemented by classroom interaction and to integrate case to analyze. This course is suitable for the Management class, which requires students to have the theoretical basis for an overview of management, and has a certain capacity for business budget, implementation and evaluation. 3. Suggestion for Choice of the Course This course is suitable for the fourth semester of all management majors. It is based on the study of behavioral, psychology, and sociology courses. It teaches all aspects of management in English, allowing students to master English in terms of proprietary terms,know-how....etc. 4. The Correlation of Curriculum and Graduation Requirements Graduation Requirements relations LO11:Understand the viewpoints and needs of others, can clearly express their opinions and suggestions, and can communicate with customers in both written and spoken English..  LO21:Collect, analysis, discuss and practice data of new knowledge, new technologies, new situations in the field of tourism, complete the autonomous learning and application of SJQU-QR-JW-033(A0)
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