Figures 6.13 Graphical representation of the distribution of eigenvalues of the component of the angular momenta of two independent particles 228 6.14 Angle observable and step function 241 7.1 Interferometric example of indistinguishability 1223 Example of counting the number of possible configurations of bosons 25 Potential wells of a natural atom and of a quantum dot .1 Passive and active transformations 260 Representation of a measurement on the sphere of density matrices Two ways of tuning the coupling function 9.3 Decohering histories 290 9.4 Schrodinger cat 292 95 Experin ental realiz on of a Schrodinger cat with a trapped ion SOUID 9.7 Wigner function of an entangled state 296 9.8 Schematic representation of the experiment proposed by Scully and co-workers 301 9.9 Schematic representation of Mandel's experiment 309 9.10 Interference and visibility in Mandel's experiment 310 9.11 Scully.Englert.and Walther's proposed experiment 312 9.12 Interaction-free measurement 316 9.13 Repeated interaction-free measurements 9.14 Probability of success in repeated interaction-free measurements 318 9.15 Interaction-free mea ent with 9.16 Schematic representation of Mandel's experiment on empty waves 9.17 Depiction of Wheeler's experiment 320 9.18 Interferometry experiment for testing delaved-choice 321 919 Optical version of the Zeno effect 9.20 Example of POVMs 9.21 Plot of the estimate of the wave function 349 9.22 Another example of POVM 352 10.1 Stark effect 10.2 WKB approximation:forbidden regions outside a potential well 10.3 WKB and potential well 382 18 WKB and potential barrie The different paths 10.6 The analogy of path integral integration 391 10.7 The sum over paths 392 10.8 Two possible paths fromi to f both passing through the same central point c 394 10.9 Path integrals and scattering 397 111 Electron coordinates in the atomic system 406 11.2 Resulting potential in the hydrogen atom Grotrian scheme 114 Plot of the radial eigenfunctions of the hydrogenoid atom 412xiii Figures 6.13 Graphical representation of the distribution of eigenvalues of the z component of the angular momenta of two independent particles 228 6.14 Angle observable and step function 241 7.1 Interferometric example of indistinguishability 246 7.2 Example of counting the number of possible configurations of bosons 253 7.3 Potential wells of a natural atom and of a quantum dot 257 8.1 Passive and active transformations 260 9.1 Representation of a measurement on the sphere of density matrices 280 9.2 Two ways of tuning the coupling function 283 9.3 Decohering histories 290 9.4 Schrödinger cat 292 9.5 Experimental realization of a Schrödinger cat with a trapped ion 293 9.6 SQUID 294 9.7 Wigner function of an entangled state 296 9.8 Schematic representation of the experiment proposed by Scully and co-workers 301 9.9 Schematic representation of Mandel’s experiment 309 9.10 Interference and visibility in Mandel’s experiment 310 9.11 Scully, Englert, and Walther’s proposed experiment 312 9.12 Interaction-free measurement 316 9.13 Repeated interaction-free measurements 317 9.14 Probability of success in repeated interaction-free measurements 318 9.15 Interaction-free measurement with two cavities 318 9.16 Schematic representation of Mandel’s experiment on empty waves 319 9.17 Depiction of Wheeler’s experiment 320 9.18 Interferometry experiment for testing delayed-choice 321 9.19 Optical version of the Zeno effect 324 9.20 Example of POVMs 334 9.21 Plot of the estimate of the wave function 349 9.22 Another example of POVM 352 10.1 Stark effect 364 10.2 WKB approximation: forbidden regions outside a potential well 381 10.3 WKB and potential well 382 10.4 WKB and potential barrier 383 10.5 The different paths 390 10.6 The analogy of path integral integration 391 10.7 The sum over paths 392 10.8 Two possible paths from i to f both passing through the same central point c 394 10.9 Path integrals and scattering 397 11.1 Electron coordinates in the atomic system 406 11.2 Resulting potential in the hydrogen atom 407 11.3 Grotrian scheme 411 11.4 Plot of the radial eigenfunctions of the hydrogenoid atom 412
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