①)编辑)查看收藏()工具〔)帮助Q D)lahttp://www.mtholyoke.edu/'rzdalea/cs100/sc d i wasters/sd. htm Internet ] crosoft创 Windows Update a] windows钽免费的otai1钽频首指南的自定义链接最佳eb页 irplane disasters The website is a report abstract released by the Ministry of Transport of Japan, regarding the crash of an Airbus plane, owned by China Airlines on the Nagoya Airport on April 16. 1994. The article describes the software problems at the basis of the crash and the proposals made by the investigating commission for safer flights in the future. The article also includes a link to the full report 阶价 http:/dnausers.d-n-a.net/dnetgoia/260494.htm ledical disasters This website describes the history of a medical disaster due to software-related accidents in safety-critical systems that used a computerized radiation therapy machine called the Therac-25. The article talks about the development C of Therac-25 and the ways in which it contributed to the death of several cancer patients http://courses.cs.vt.edu/-cs3604/ib/Therac25/therac1.html collections of articles The wrehsite provides examples nf disasters attrihi tahle to had numerics the examples incll ide the pat O Internet上海交通大学计算机系 15
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