①)编辑)查看收藏()工具〔)帮助Q D)lahttp://www.mtholyoke.edu/'rzdalea/cs100/sc d i wasters/sd. htm Internet起始页] Microsoft创]" indows Update] indows创免费的 HotMail1频道指南自定义链接最佳胃b页 Software Disasters general information is website provides a collection of links for other websites that deal with all types of computer bugs. The links are organized by topics. It also ides a group of links to websites that deal with more general software bug information Xtremely informative! p: /zEnger informatik tu-muenchen delpersons/huckle/buse htmlgenerall is website provides in depth information on viruses. Using the links a person can find information on new and old viruses, and free protection ainst them. There is information on how to combat viruses and how to protect your computer and your files from being infected p: /antivirus. about com/compute/antivirus/mbody htm is website is a record of a forum on risks to the public in computers and related systems. It offers a table of contents regarding a variety of ferent software disasters 5 Inte上海交通大学计算机系 14
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