On ancient road in western breeze a lean horse goes ass from the heat and glare of a big caver 6. Iwo high points of color appeared on the paleness of her cheeks 2.3.2Man-centered vs.Objeet-.centered(主体思维对客体思维) 7.His name escaped me(or:my memory)for the moment. 8.What's the matter with you? 9.An idea suddenly struck me 10. A strange peace came over her when she was alone 11.Memoranda were prepared in advance of private meetings on matters to be discussed. 12.As I lie awake in bed,listening to the sound of those razor sharp drops pounding on the pavement,my mind goes reeling down dark corridors teeming with agonizing flashbacks,and a chill from within fills me with dread. 我躺在床上 睡不着,听若雨点儿落在 啪啪作响。我恍惚进入了一条条幽 的甬道,想起许多痛苦的往事,真是思绪万干。我心里一阵悲凉,不禁感到毛骨快 然. 2.3.3 Ordinalvs.Conversed(顺向思维和逆向思维) 2.4 Other Differences in Culture 1敞人,下官,践内,小女,犬子,寒舍 .三叔,二大爷,大姑,四嫂,老舅,大舅姥爷,四姑父,表姐,堂妹 3 onone'sarsto keepone's head above water,be in the same boat with nthe 4.拔苗助长:青黄不接:瓜熟蒂落:不辨菽麦 5.dark horse;crocodile tears,an olive branch;sour grapes;the cat's paw,to wash hands; black humor:kill two birds with one stone:to be packed like sardines Exercise Translate the following paying attention to the differences between English and Chinese 1.From the moment we stepped into the People's Republic of China,care and kindnes surrounded us on every side. 2.Excitement deprived me of all power of utterance. 3. The thick carpet kiled the sound of my footsteps Not asound reached out ears 3. Alarm began to take entire possession of him. 6.The little chap's good-natured honest face won his way for him 7.There is more to their life than political and social and economic problems,more than transient everydaynes 8.In line with latest trends in fashion,a few dress designers have been sacrificing elegance to audacity. 9.花园里面是人间的乐园,有的是吃不完的大米白面,穿不完的绫罗绸缎,花不完的 金银财宝。 99 On ancient road in western breeze a lean horse goes; . 5. You pass from the heat and glare of a big open square into a cool, dark cavern. 6. Two high points of color appeared on the paleness of her cheeks. 2.3.2 Man-centered vs. Object-centered(主体思维对客体思维) 7. His name escaped me (or: my memory ) for the moment. 8. What’s the matter with you? 9. An idea suddenly struck me. 10. A strange peace came over her when she was alone. 11. Memoranda were prepared in advance of private meetings on matters to be discussed. 12. As I lie awake in bed, listening to the sound of those razor sharp drops pounding on the pavement, my mind goes reeling down dark corridors teeming with agonizing flashbacks, and a chill from within fills me with dread. 我躺在床上,睡不着,听着雨点儿落在路面上啪啪作响。我恍惚进入了一条条幽暗 的甬道,想起许多痛苦的往事,真是思绪万千。我心里一阵悲凉,不禁感到毛骨悚 然。 2.3.3 Ordinal vs. Conversed(顺向思维和逆向思维) 2.4 Other Differences in Culture 1. 敝人,下官,贱内,小女,犬子,寒舍 2. 三叔,二大爷,大姑,四嫂,老舅,大舅姥爷,四姑父,表姐,堂妹 3. to rest on one’s oars; to keep one’s head above water; be in the same boat with; clean the deck; all at sea 4. 拔苗助长;青黄不接;瓜熟蒂落;不辨菽麦 5. dark horse; crocodile tears; an olive branch; sour grapes; the cat’s paw; to wash hands; black humor; kill two birds with one stone; to be packed like sardines Exercise Translate the following, paying attention to the differences between English and Chinese: 1. From the moment we stepped into the People’s Republic of China, care and kindness surrounded us on every side. 2. Excitement deprived me of all power of utterance. 3. The thick carpet killed the sound of my footsteps. 4. Not a sound reached out ears. 5. Alarm began to take entire possession of him. 6. The little chap’s good-natured honest face won his way for him. 7. There is more to their life than political and social and economic problems; more than transient everydayness. 8. In line with latest trends in fashion, a few dress designers have been sacrificing elegance to audacity. 9. 花园里面是人间的乐园,有的是吃不完的大米白面,穿不完的绫罗绸缎,花不完的 金银财宝
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