So we decided to put a lot of pots and pans like that under the window.Then if a thief came in,the pots and pans would fall down and we would wake up.That's what we did. Anyway,we were asleep. All of the sudden in the middle of the night,sure enough,I hear the pans crash.I sat up in bed.My heart was beating like anything.I could see that there was a man in a white robe standing up next to the bed.I tried to scream and I had laryngitis which means my voice wasn't working.And I was screaming in the local language for help.It was like'help help', but I couldn't scream. So the man came over and he shoved me down on the bed.Then he says in English "be quiet.Then I realized it was my husband,huh..And when I was able to speak,I asked, "What're you doing?"He said,"well,I had a headache and I wanted to get up and get some aspirins..” 26.Why did they want to sleep with the windows open?Because A.the windows didn't have any screens B.it was very hot there C.they stayed on the first floor D.there were no neighbors around 27.Why were they worried about leaving the windows open?Because A.they were worried about their kids B.nobody opened the windows in the hotel C.it was very windy in the late night D.they were afraid of being stolen while they were asleep 28.How did they construct an alarm system? A.They called the police for help. B.They set the alarm clock in the bedroom. C.They put a lot of pans and pots under the window. D.They closed the window after a second thought. 29.Who was the intruder who crashed into the pots and pans? A.It was the husband. B.It was a thief. C.It was their kids. D.It was the wife. 982So wedecided to put a lot of pots and pans like that under the window. Then if a thief came in, the pots and pans would fall down and we would wake up. That’s what we did. Anyway, we were asleep. Allofthe sudden in the middle of the night, sure enough, I hear the pans crash. I sat up in bed. My heart was beating like anything. I could see that there was a man in a white robe standing up next to the bed. I tried to scream and I had laryngitis which means my voice wasn't working. And I was screaming in the local language for help. It was like `help help’, but I couldn't scream. So the man came over and he shoved me down on the bed. Then he says in English "be quiet.”Then I realized it was my husband, huh... And when I was able to speak, I asked, "What're you doing?" He said, "well, I had a headache and I wanted to get up and get some aspirins. 26.Why did they want to sleep with the windows open? Because A. the windows didn't have any screens B. it was very hot there C. they stayed on the first floor D. there were no neighbors around 27. Why were they worried about leaving the windows open? Because A. they were worried about their kids B. nobody opened the windows in the hotel C. it was very windy in the late night D. they were afraid of being stolen while they were asleep 28. How did they construct an alarm system? A. They called the police for help. B. They set the alarm clock in the bedroom. C. "They put a lot of pans and pots under the window. D. They closed the window after a second thought. 29. Who was the intruder who crashed into the pots and pans? A. It was the husband. B. It was a thief. C. It was their kids. D. It was the wife. gR仑
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