scopolamine(东莨菪碱) 1.Peripheral()effect is similar to atropine gland,eye>atropine cardiovascular system<atropine 2.depress CNS low dosage:镇静sedation large dosage:催眠hypnotic 3.Clinical Uses l)麻醉前给药preanesthesia 2)晕动病motion sickness 3)抗帕全森病Parkinsonism 1. Peripheral( 外周) effect is similar to atropine gland,eye>atropine cardiovascular system<atropine 2. depress CNS low dosage: 镇静 sedation large dosage: 催眠 hypnotic 3. Clinical Uses 1) 麻醉前给药 preanesthesia 2) 晕动病 motion sickness 3) 抗帕金森病 Parkinsonism scopolamine(东莨菪碱)
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