tained,for two main reasons.First,America is a country may hope,the militarization of international affairs will of 276 million people in a world of six billion.It repre- diminish with time. sents 4.6%of the world's total population.The country's Many globalizers believe that the world is increasingly physical capabilities and political will cannot sustain ruled by markets.Looking at the state among states present world burdens indefinitely.Second.other coun- leads to a different conclusion.The main difference be- tries may not enjoy being placed at the back of the train. tween international politics now and earlier is not found Both friends and foes will react as countries always have in the increased interdependence of states but in their growing inequality.With the end of bipolarity.the distri- to the threatened or real predominance of one from bution of capabilities across states has become extremely among them by working to right the balance (Waltz lopsided.Rather than elevating economic forces and de- 1998).The present condition of international politics is pressing political ones.the inequalities of international unnatural.Both the predominance of America and,one politics enhance the political role of one country.Poli- tics,as usual.prevails over cconomics. 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