1824 G Mohanty et al. /Materials Research Bulletin 43(2008)1814-1828 3.00 75 2.04 4.70 737 10.03 2.70 Fig. 6. Plot of predicted and the actual values. 2.1. Model evaluation The power of a design is the ability of the design to detect that specific terms are statistically significant or the ability to find significant effects. In other words, it is the probability of detecting an effect of a specific size. The present model has a 94.4% chance of detecting the significant effects at 95% confidence level if the effect is the size of twice the standard deviation of the process (Table 7). This provides the model adequate discriminating power. 3230 Run Number2.11. Model evaluation The power of a design is the ability of the design to detect that specific terms are statistically significant or the ability to find significant effects. In other words, it is the probability of detecting an effect of a specific size. The present model has a 94.4% chance of detecting the significant effects at 95% confidence level if the effect is the size of twice the standard deviation of the process (Table 7). This provides the model adequate discriminating power. 1824 G. Mohanty et al. / Materials Research Bulletin 43 (2008) 1814–1828 Fig. 6. Plot of predicted and the actual values. Fig. 7. Plot of externally studentized residuals
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