G Mohanty et al./Materials Research Bulletin 43(2008)1814-1828 0NE 日 0.00 4.79 10.00 1261 Predicted Fig. 4. Plot of residuals vs. predicted data points influence the regression equation more compared to other points. But since the Cook's distance values of none of these observations exceed 1, there is no strong evidence of influential observations in these data. These points are well within ne limits in the externally studentized residual plot as well. And these four observations have the same leverage as the rest of the factorial run points. Hence these four points cannot be considered as outliers. Therefore, there are no outliers in the experimental data 0∝N≥E巴 0.00 10131619 Run Number Fig. 5. Plot of residuals vS. experimental run order.influence the regression equation more compared to other points. But since the Cook’s distance values of none of these observations exceed 1, there is no strong evidence of influential observations in these data. These points are well within the limits in the externally studentized residual plot as well. And these four observations have the same leverage as the rest of the factorial run points. Hence these four points cannot be considered as outliers. Therefore, there are no outliers in the experimental data. G. Mohanty et al. / Materials Research Bulletin 43 (2008) 1814–1828 1823 Fig. 4. Plot of residuals vs. predicted data points. Fig. 5. Plot of residuals vs. experimental run order
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