NEURONAL DYNAMICS I:ACTIVATIONS AND SIGNALS NEURON FIELDS Neurons within a field are topologically ordered,often by proximity. zeroth-order topology lack of topological structure Denotation:Fx→F→Fz,{Fx,F},{Fx,F,Fz} Fx→F f:R”→RP neural system samples the function m times to generate the associated pairs (,),...,( The overall neural network behaves as an adaptive filter and sample data changed network parameters. 1313 NEURON FIELDS Neurons within a field are topologically ordered, often by proximity. zeroth-order topology : lack of topological structure Denotation: , , neural system samples the function m times to generate the associated pairs , ... , The overall neural network behaves as an adaptive filter and sample data changed network parameters. FX → FY → FZ { , } FX FY { , , } FX FY FZ ( , ) m m ( , ) x y 1 1 x y NEURONAL DYNAMICS Ⅰ: ACTIVATIONS AND SIGNALS n p f : R → R FX → FY f
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