3 Spot Dictation 44 Listen to the conversation and fill in the missing information Salesman: 1 May I help you, Madam? Customer: Yes. I would like to 2 return these slacks Salesman: Alright. Do you have your receipt? Customer: Yes. Here it is. I bought them last week Salesman And why are you returning them? Customer: I bought them to 3 go with a blouse. But they don' t really match Salesman: I see. Oh, wait. Ma'am, I'm sorry. These slacks were on sale Customer: Yes, they were 4 thirty percent oft Salesman: I'm sorry, but we don't allow returns on 5 sale items Customer: I know many stores have that 6 policy. But I have returned sale items here before3 Spot Dictation Listen to the conversation and fill in the missing information. Salesman: 1 , Madam? May I help you Customer: Yes, I would like to 2 these slacks. Salesman: Alright. Do you have your receipt? Customer: Yes. Here it is. I bought them last week. Salesman: And why are you returning them? Customer: I bought them to 3 a blouse. But they don’t really match. Salesman: I see. Oh, wait. Ma’am, I’m sorry. These slacks were on sale. Customer: Yes, they were 4 . Salesman: I’m sorry, but we don’t allow returns on 5 . Customer: I know many stores have that 6 . But I have returned sale items here before. ____________ return _________ go with _____________ thirty percent off _______ sale items policy __________ ________ L A B P
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