Human cases with novel coronavirus infection 人類属来新型冠默病的案 o The case was a previously healthy, 49-year-old male Qatari national who had travel history to the Ksa prior to onset of illness, presented with respiratory symptoms on September 3, 2012 有直自魔摩支画到年有 阿拉伯王國 o He is currently receiving treatment for severe respiratory Iness in London The Health Protection Agency of the United Kingdom(HPa) conducted laboratory testing and has confirmed the presence of a novel coronavirus. 他現正因咸重呼吸道疾病於英國倫教接受治療英國德 新型冠狀病毒。Human Cases with Novel Coronavirus Infection 人類感染新型冠狀病毒的個案 The case was a previously healthy, 49-year-old male Qatari national who had travel history to the KSA prior to onset of illness, presented with respiratory symptoms on September 3, 2012. ◼ 病者為一名無病患記錄的49歲卡塔爾籍男子,於今年九 月三日開始出現呼吸道徵狀,並在病發前曾經到過沙特 阿拉伯王國。 He is currently receiving treatment for severe respiratory illness in London. The Health Protection Agency of the United Kingdom (HPA) conducted laboratory testing and has confirmed the presence of a novel coronavirus. ◼ 他現正因嚴重呼吸道疾病於英國倫敦接受治療。英國衞 生防護局為病者的樣本進行測試,證實所感染的為一種 新型冠狀病毒
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