63. The main idea of the passage is that A. there is nothing beautiful in modern life B. each era has its own conception of honor C. there are still many people who have a sense of honor today D. our society no longer highly values the sense of honor 64. The factor which does Not account for the dying sense of honor is A. people s selfishness B. deceit C. lack of courage D. unwarranted wars 65. The inference we can make from this passage is that A. earlier in this century, giving one s life for one s country was not considered an honourable thing to do B. in the author s college days, students valued honor more than loyalty to one another C. the author admires John Stubbs for his courage in objecting to the queens marrage D. the author himself is a person with the highest sense of honor 66. The story of John Stubbs is told to convey the idea that test honor to die fo belief C. our recent history lacks such models D, even blood shedding brings a person honor Passage 5 Clothes play a critical part in the conclusions we reach by providing clues to who people are, who they are not, and who they would like to be. They tell us a good deal about the wearer ckground, personality, status, mood, and Since clothes are such an important source of social information, we can use them tomanipulate people s impression of us. Our appearance assumes particular significance in the initial phases of interaction that is likely to occur. An elderly middle class man or woman may be alienated by a young adult who is dressed in an unconventional manner, regardless of the person s education, background, or interests People tend to agree on what certain types of clothes mean. Adolescent girls can easil agree on the lifestyles of girls who wear certain outfits, including the number of boyfriend they likely have had and whe ther they smoke or drink. Newscasters, or the announcers who read the news on tv, are considered to be more convincing, honest, and competent when they are dressed conservatively. And college students who view themse lves as taking an active role in their interpersonal relationships say they are concerned about the costumes they must wear to play these roles successfully. Moreover, many of us can relate ins tances in which the clothing we wore changed the way we felt about ourselves and how we acted. Perhaps you have used clothing to gain confidence when u anticipated a stressful situation, such as a job interview, or a court appearance. In the workplace, men have long had well defined precedents and role models for achieving63. The main idea of the passage is that _____ . A.there is nothing beautiful in modern life B.each era has its own conception of honor C.there are still many people who have a sense of honor today D.our society no longer highly values the sense of honor 64. The factor which does NOT account for the dying sense of honor is _____ . A.people's selfishness B.deceit C.lack of courage D.unwarranted wars 65. The inference we can make from this passage is that _____ . A.earlier in this century, giving one's life for one's country was not considered an honourable thing to do B.in the author's college days, students valued honor more than loyalty to one another C.the author admires John Stubbs for his courage in objecting to the queen's marrage D.the author himself is a person with the highest sense of honor 66. The story of John Stubbs is told to convey the idea that _____ . A.loyalty is the best honor B.it is the greatest honor to die for one's belief C.our recent history lacks such models D.even blood shedding brings a person honor Passage 5 Clothes play a critical part in the conclusions we reach by providing clues to who people are, who they are not, and who they would like to be. They tell us a good deal about the wearer's background, personality, status, mood, and social outlook. Since clothes are such an important source of social information, we can use them to manipulate people's impression of us. Our appearance assumes particular significance in the initial phases of interaction that is likely to occur. An elderly middle class man or woman may be alienated by a young adult who is dressed in an unconventional manner, regardless of the person's education, background, or interests. People tend to agree on what certain types of clothes mean. Adolescent girls can easily agree on the lifestyles of girls who wear certain outfits, including the number of boyfriends they likely have had and whether they smoke or drink. Newscasters, or the announcers who read the news on TV, are considered to be more convincing, honest, and competent when they are dressed conservatively. And college students who view themselves as taking an active role in their interpersonal relationships say they are concerned about the costumes they must wear to play these roles successfully. Moreover, many of us can relate instances in which the clothing we wore changed the way we felt about ourselves and how we acted. Perhaps you have used clothing to gain confidence when you anticipated a stressful situation, such as a job interview, or a court appearance. In the workplace, men have long had well defined precedents and role models for achieving
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