Understand the development history of antipsychotic drugs. To master the chemical structures,drug design,structure-activity relationships,and mechanism of actions of major antipsychotic drugs;Understand the synthesis and metabolism of antipsychotic drugs. Including the following specific drugs: First Generation Antipsychotics:Chlorpromazine,Thioxanthenes,Haloperidol Second Generation Antipsychotics:Clozapine,olanzapine,quetiapine, Third Generation Antipsychotics:Ziprasidone,Lurasidone,Risperidone,Paliperidone,Aripiprazole,Cariprazine,Brexpiprazole 3.3.3 Anxiolytics and Sedative-Hypnotics Get a general idea about anxiety and insomnia.Get a general idea about GABA and its functions and neurochemistry,and the distribution,structures and functions of GABA receptor.Get a general idea about Melatonin and its functions and neurochemistry,and the distribution,structures and functions of Melatonin receptor. Understand the development history of anxiolytics and sedative-hypnotics To master the chemical structures,drug design,structure-activity relationships,and mechanism of actions of major anxiolytics and sedative-hypnotics;Understand the synthesis and metabolism of anxiolytics and sedative-hypnotics. Including the following specific drugs: Agents that cause CNS depression via agonism of GABAA receptors:Barbiturates;Benzodiazepines(e.g.Chlodiazepoxide, Diazepam);Nonbenzodiazepines(e.g.Zolpidem,esZopiclone,Zaleplon) Agents that modulate melatonin circadian systems:Ramelteon,Tasimelteon. 3.3.1 Anti-seizure drug targets 3.3.2 Anti-seizure drugs: Master the two seizure related neurotransmitters:GABA and Glutamate,their structure and biological function;Anti-seizure drug mechanism:through enhancing GABA function or inhibit glutamate function;Be able to draw the structures for major drugs for the treatment of seizure.Including the following specific drugs: The old ureide drugs like:bartiturates,hydantions and Benzodiazepines The more recent drugs including:Iminostilbenes,biscarbamates(approved in 1990s)and its metabolism caused toxicity; Amnio acid analogs (approved in the 2000s):gabapentin and the more important Lyrica;Sabril for infant seizure. Levetiracetam(FDA approved in 2008);LamotrigineUnderstand the development history of antipsychotic drugs. To master the chemical structures, drug design, structure-activity relationships, and mechanism of actions of major antipsychotic drugs; Understand the synthesis and metabolism of antipsychotic drugs. Including the following specific drugs: First Generation Antipsychotics: Chlorpromazine, Thioxanthenes, Haloperidol Second Generation Antipsychotics: Clozapine, olanzapine, quetiapine, Third Generation Antipsychotics: Ziprasidone, Lurasidone, Risperidone, Paliperidone, Aripiprazole, Cariprazine, Brexpiprazole 3.3.3 Anxiolytics and Sedative-Hypnotics Get a general idea about anxiety and insomnia. Get a general idea about GABA and its functions and neurochemistry, and the distribution, structures and functions of GABA receptor. Get a general idea about Melatonin and its functions and neurochemistry, and the distribution, structures and functions of Melatonin receptor. Understand the development history of anxiolytics and sedative-hypnotics. To master the chemical structures, drug design, structure-activity relationships, and mechanism of actions of major anxiolytics and sedative-hypnotics; Understand the synthesis and metabolism of anxiolytics and sedative-hypnotics. Including the following specific drugs: Agents that cause CNS depression via agonism of GABAA receptors: Barbiturates; Benzodiazepines (e.g. Chlodiazepoxide, Diazepam); Nonbenzodiazepines (e.g. Zolpidem, esZopiclone, Zaleplon) Agents that modulate melatonin circadian systems: Ramelteon, Tasimelteon. 3.3.1 Anti-seizure drug targets 3.3.2 Anti-seizure drugs: Master the two seizure related neurotransmitters: GABA and Glutamate, their structure and biological function; Anti-seizure drug mechanism: through enhancing GABA function or inhibit glutamate function; Be able to draw the structures for major drugs for the treatment of seizure. Including the following specific drugs: The old ureide drugs like: bartiturates, hydantions and Benzodiazepines The more recent drugs including: Iminostilbenes, biscarbamates (approved in 1990s) and its metabolism caused toxicity; Amnio acid analogs (approved in the 2000s): gabapentin and the more important Lyrica; Sabril for infant seizure. Levetiracetam (FDA approved in 2008); Lamotrigine (
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