Science VS. Technology Deals with the natural world 7o very concerned with what is Deals with how humans existol in the uatural world.(i.e. modify,change,alter,or Biology.Chemisiry.Physice control the natural world. 国 Is very concerned with Astrououy.Geolagy.cte.) what can or should be designed,made,or developed from natural worId materials and substances to satisfy an 上泽充通大学 SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNTVERSITScience vs. Technology Deals with the natural world. Is very concerned with what is (exists) in the natural world. (i.e.: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Astronomy, Geology, etc.) Deals with how humans modify, change, alter, or control the natural world. Is very concerned with what can or should be designed, made, or developed from natural world materials and substances to satisfy human needs and wants
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